Can I Move Past Cancel Culture to Meaningful Conversations? With Sean McDowell [Episode 336]

Cancel Culture Meaningful Conversations Sean McDowell

Differences of opinion have always been part of life, right? It’s nothing new to agree and disagree about politics, social issues, religion, and current events. But when we did disagree, it didn’t used to cause a break-up between family and friends.

Nowadays, nearly one-third of people report they have stopped talking to a friend or family member due to a disagreement. And nearly two-thirds of people say they stay quiet about their beliefs because they’re afraid of offending others or getting beat up online. We’re living in a cancel culture, and it’s destroying relationships.

Can I Learn to Disagree Well? With John Inazu [Episode 320]

Learn Disagree Well John Inazu

In a tense and divided cultural climate, is it even possible to have a conversation with someone who thinks differently than we do? And if so, how do you disagree without being disrespectful or compromising your convictions?

Whew! This can seem impossible sometimes, right?

Well, believe it or not, you can disagree in a godly way—one that helps you build bridges with your neighbors, coworkers, and loved ones instead of tearing them down.