Can I Know My Divine Purpose? With Nancy Gavilanes [Episode 318]

Know Divine Purpose Nancy Gavilanes

God has given you a divine purpose, but sometimes life has this way of beating us down and robbing us of our confidence. So instead of following God’s calling, we’re left paralyzed with feelings of insecurity, doubt, or fear of being unqualified or unworthy.

But today, Nancy Gavilanes will help you break free from the chains of doubt and fear so you can live out God’s purpose for your life. She’ll speak directly to your heart, offering hope and encouragement through six transformative truths about your divine purpose.

Can I Unwrap the Gift of Limitations? With Sara Hagerty [Episode 317]

Unwrap Gift Limitations Sara Hagerty

We all have limitations, don’t we? Whether we recognize them or not, they exist and can lead to frustration as we try to meet our goals, chase our dreams, or simply get through the day. It would be so much better if those limits weren’t there at all, right?

But what if those areas of your life you resent the most—the places where you feel the most overextended—are actually the doorways to rich intimacy with God? What if your limitations were, in fact, your greatest gift?

Can I Uncover the Purpose of an Unexpected Season? With Nicole Unice [Episode 316]

uncover purpose unexpected season Nicole Unice

Have you ever found yourself in an unexpected season where you’re struggling with uncertainty or an unknown future? You have no idea how your story will end and it’s left you feeling scared, confused, and in over your head.

Perhaps you’re even thinking to yourself—and saying to God—“This is not what I signed up for!”

Well, on this episode of the 4:13, counselor and Bible teacher Nicole Unice will show you it’s possible to remain faithful in those difficult seasons—when things don’t go your way, when God seems far away, and when you feel helpless. Because it’s often in life’s twists and turns and in-between spaces where God is growing something essential in your soul.

Can I Get a Fresh Perspective on the Bible? With Kristi McLelland [Episode 315]

Fresh Perspective Bible Kristi McLelland

We often approach the Bible like an instruction manual for living our lives, reading it primarily with ourselves in mind and viewing it through the lens of our current culture. But what if we read Scripture differently—through the Middle Eastern lens in which the Bible was originally written and understood?

Well, today’s guest, professor and biblical culturalist Kristi McLelland, highlights the importance of the historical, cultural, geographic, and linguistic contexts of Scripture. She’ll explain how the Bible is a timeless, transformational story with one cohesive storyline, helping you make sense of what you’re reading.

Can I Find Hope in the Book of Ecclesiastes? With Hannah Anderson [Episode 314]

Hope Book Ecclesiastes Hannah Anderson

All things ever seem to do is change. And just as soon as you get your footing, the ground shifts under you again. So, how can you keep your balance in such a disorienting world?

Well, you can start by going to the book of Ecclesiastes! That’s right!

Today’s 4:13 guest, Hannah Anderson, is going to take you on a tour of this ancient book to help you find a solid foundation for when the seasons change.

Can I Have a Real Relationship With the Holy Spirit? With Costi Hinn [Episode 313]

real relationship Holy Spirit Costi Hinn

Who is the Holy Spirit and what is His role in the lives of believers?

This is a common question, and if we don’t go to Scripture for the answer, we can find ourselves greatly misled about the work of the Holy Spirit.

In fact, whether it’s intentional or not, many Christians today seek health, wealth, and happiness by calling on the Holy Spirit like a cosmic butler there to meet our every need. But when things don’t go as hoped, they often wonder if the Holy Spirit is even real or question His purpose if not to give us what we ask for.

Well, my friend, it shouldn’t be this way because that’s not who the Holy Spirit is to us!