Now Available: Amos: An Invitation to the Good Life [Video-based Bible Study]

Amos: An Invitation to the Good Life Bible Study

On the surface, the book of Amos doesn’t sound like a happy formula for the good life. However, every condemnation he gives serves as an invitation, a call for us to “seek God and live” (Amos 5:4). Amos’ prophesy prompts us to care for others—displaying true righteousness, not just religious ritual—and the result will change you and those around you. You’ll discover Amos is promoting the God life, and the God life is the good life!

Join me for this 8-session video-based study of the book of Amos, and together we’ll unearth the gems hidden within one of the most overlooked books in the Bible. You’ll be assured of God’s presence, grow deeper in faith, and find renewed hope that life is good … even when it’s not.

Learn More and Order Your Study Book

Can I Trust God Is Working Even When I Can’t See It? With Winston Bui [Episode 308]

Trust God Working Winston Bui

Through the killing fields of Vietnam, Winston Bui’s family traveled on foot, by truck, and by a rocket-damaged boat at sea, barely escaping the war that was engulfing their country and threatening to take their father as a political prisoner.

Now, decades later, Winston is on the 4:13 to tell his story of God’s rescue and redemption. From a refugee with no country to a redeemed child in God’s family with a forever home, Winston shares how his story is just a snapshot of the bigger story of God’s mercy and grace.

Can I Fight Shame With the Word of God? With Scarlet Hiltibidal [Episode 307]

Fight Shame Word of God Scarlet Hiltibidal

You have the best weapon against shame … the Word of God. So today, author Scarlet Hiltibidal is back on the 4:13 to help you move beyond shame to the joy-inducing, peace-producing thrill that comes from a relationship with Jesus.

Scarlet will expose the sources of shame, give you scriptural strategies to combat them, and help you live in the light and victory of God’s Word. She’ll also explain the connection between shame and humility, helping you discover the deep, freeing truth that being undone is the right place to start.

Spill the Beans LIVE with Karen Kingsbury and Annie F. Downs at Fresh Grounded Faith Springfield, MO [Episode 306]

Spill the Beans LIVE Karen Kingsbury Annie F. Downs Fresh Grounded Faith Springfield, Missouri

Have you ever been with friends who make you laugh, make you grateful, and just plain make you a better person? Well, I was in Springfield, Missouri at a Fresh Grounded Faith event with two friends who do that for me: best-selling author Karen Kingsbury and podcaster extraordinaire, Annie F. Downs.

We spilled the beans about dating apps, how to help someone who is struggling with a loss, and how to love the season you’re in. Plus, we shared how to help someone when they’re having a panic attack and how to hold fast to God in your darkest hour.

Can I Overcome Sadness? [Episode 305]

overcome sadness summer sizzle

We’ve been doing a Summer Sizzle around here, which means for the past four weeks, we’ve enjoyed four of the hottest, most shared episodes on the 4:13. And for our final week, we’re taking you back to Episode 40: “Can I Overcome Sadness?”

Because we all find ourselves down in the dumps sometimes, don’t we? And there’s no quick fix for it—it’s not like you can prevent it or talk yourself out of it when it hits. So what do you do when you are just plain sad?

Can I Show Good Judgment Without Being Judgmental? [Episode 304]

show good judgment judgmental summer sizzle

It’s hot out there, but the podcast has been even hotter over the past few weeks as we’ve featured your most shared, hottest episodes on the 4:13! We’re calling these episodes our Summer Sizzle, and if you’ve missed any, be sure to go back and listen to them here.

Otherwise, get ready for another great throwback episode, this time to Episode 37: “Can I Show Good Judgment Without Being Judgmental?” Because none of us want to be “judgy,” but we do want to show good judgment, right?

Can I Trust God When Life Is Scary? [Episode 303]

trust God life scary summer sizzle

Free download alert! Get your Proverbs 3:5-6 phone lock screen in the links below.

We’re in the middle of our Summer Sizzle here on the 4:13 where we’re featuring your most shared episodes of the podcast. And today, we’re bringing back Episode 48: “Can I Trust God When Life is Scary?”, because we all face hard things and have to deal with life’s uncertainties. And when we’re hurting, our heads can become cloudy and our hearts so heavy that we feel we can’t bear the weight of our next decision.

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