Now Available: Amos: An Invitation to the Good Life [Video-based Bible Study]

Amos: An Invitation to the Good Life Bible Study

On the surface, the book of Amos doesn’t sound like a happy formula for the good life. However, every condemnation he gives serves as an invitation, a call for us to “seek God and live” (Amos 5:4). Amos’ prophesy prompts us to care for others—displaying true righteousness, not just religious ritual—and the result will change you and those around you. You’ll discover Amos is promoting the God life, and the God life is the good life!

Join me for this 8-session video-based study of the book of Amos, and together we’ll unearth the gems hidden within one of the most overlooked books in the Bible. You’ll be assured of God’s presence, grow deeper in faith, and find renewed hope that life is good … even when it’s not.

Learn More and Order Your Study Book

Can I Find Hope in the Book of Ecclesiastes? With Hannah Anderson [Episode 314]

Hope Book Ecclesiastes Hannah Anderson

All things ever seem to do is change. And just as soon as you get your footing, the ground shifts under you again. So, how can you keep your balance in such a disorienting world?

Well, you can start by going to the book of Ecclesiastes! That’s right!

Today’s 4:13 guest, Hannah Anderson, is going to take you on a tour of this ancient book to help you find a solid foundation for when the seasons change.

Can I Have a Real Relationship With the Holy Spirit? With Costi Hinn [Episode 313]

real relationship Holy Spirit Costi Hinn

Who is the Holy Spirit and what is His role in the lives of believers?

This is a common question, and if we don’t go to Scripture for the answer, we can find ourselves greatly misled about the work of the Holy Spirit.

In fact, whether it’s intentional or not, many Christians today seek health, wealth, and happiness by calling on the Holy Spirit like a cosmic butler there to meet our every need. But when things don’t go as hoped, they often wonder if the Holy Spirit is even real or question His purpose if not to give us what we ask for.

Well, my friend, it shouldn’t be this way because that’s not who the Holy Spirit is to us!

Can I Read Through the Whole Bible in Just 90 Days? With Mary DeMuth [Episode 312]

read whole bible 90 days Mary DeMuth

Have you ever read the whole Bible? How about in just three months?

Well, according to today’s guest, author Mary DeMuth, you can supercharge your walk with God by reading the entire Bible—cover to cover—in just 90 days.

Now, I know what you’re thinking, but believe me when I say it’s totally doable and has a profound impact. It can transform how you view Scripture, build your confidence in handling the Word of God accurately, and immerse you into a powerful spiritual discipline.

Behind the Scenes With the Kendrick Brothers on Their Latest Film, The Forge [BONUS]

Kendrick Brothers Forge

On this very special BONUS episode of the 4:13, the Kendrick Brothers are taking us behind the scenes of their newest film, The Forge, a new faith-filled movie with emotional themes, old friends, and new twists! And here’s something exciting…

I’ve got both Alex and Stephen Kendrick with me, so this conversation is twice as good, twice as insightful, and twice as fun hanging out with two guys we all know and love.

Can I Rest in God’s Goodness When My Story Shifts? With Sarah Frazer [Episode 311]

Rest God's Goodness Story Shifts Sarah Frazer

This wasn’t part of the plan. My story wasn’t supposed to go this way. I didn’t sign up for this.

If you’ve ever had these thoughts, chances are your story has shifted in some unexpected way. Well, you aren’t alone, my friend, and rest assured that God is with you as you go down this new path.

Today, author Sarah Frazer will take you through the unexpected plot twists in the story of Moses to help you see that even when your life seems completely derailed, God’s plan still goes forth, His presence always provides, and His purpose prevails. And you can trust that God’s sovereignty is always connected to His goodness.

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