As we kick off this new year, we’re beginning with the end in mind! And to be clear, I’m talking about our ultimate end … in Heaven, which is our glorious unending.
We’re jumping all the way to Heaven because this is a very special day for me! Today is when my newest Bible study called Heaven: When Faith Becomes Sight releases. Woohoo!
But before we begin with the end in mind, let’s begin at the beginning of my attempt to write Heaven. I thought it would be fun for you to go behind the scenes of the writing process so you can see how the Lord carried me and this project along, and how—in a similar sense—He carries you along too.
[Listen to the podcast using the player above, or read the transcript below. Then check out the links below for more helpful resources.]
Learn More About My Heaven Bible Study
Discover answers to some of your deepest and most pressing questions about Heaven in my newest Bible study, Heaven: When Faith Becomes Sight. What you learn—and unlearn—about Heaven will help you live with confidence today as you look forward to the glorious unending that awaits.
- Watch the video trailer and order the study here!
- Watch the session one video for FREE, and download the first week of study.
Related Resources
Links Mentioned in This Episode
- Blue Flower Moments – Audio Pictures [BONUS]
- Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church – book by N. T. Wright
- Surprised by Joy – book by C.S. Lewis
- “Far Kingdom” – Song by The Gray Havens
- Get Michael O’Brien’s “Ascending” song on Apple Music or Amazon
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Episode Transcript
4:13 Podcast: Behind the Scenes of Heaven - Audio Pictures [Episode 331]
KC Wright: Hey, welcome to the 4:13 Podcast. Do you like the new music? The whole month we're using this song called "Ascending" by Michael O'Brien on the podcast. Do you know why? Because this song is part of our girl Jennifer's latest video-based Bible study titled "Heaven: When Faith Becomes Sight." And we're celebrating around here for the whole month. So welcome to the 4:13 Podcast, where practical encouragement and biblical wisdom set you up to live the "I Can" life, because you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength.
Now here's your host, Jennifer Rothschild.
Jennifer Rothschild: Hey, friends. And that was my friend KC Wright, my Seeing Eye Guy. He's right, we are celebrating all month, because finally my "Heaven: When Faith Becomes Sight" Bible study releases today. I'm so grateful. It was a long time coming, and I am so thankful it is out in the world.
So I was with a friend of mine -- KC, you know her and love her -- Ann Voskamp --
KC Wright: Yes.
Jennifer Rothschild: -- and we were talking about my Bible study and when it was releasing. You know, I said, "January 2nd." She said, "Oh my goodness. Then you should promote it as beginning with the end in mind."
KC Wright: Oh, wow.
Jennifer Rothschild: Isn't that true? You want to begin 2025 with the ultimate end in mind, heaven.
KC Wright: I love that.
Jennifer Rothschild: I think that is just a great way to think about heaven. It really is. When our faith becomes sight, is our glorious unending. So this year let's do that, let's begin with the end in mind.
But since we're family, I thought it would be fun for you to hear some of the behind the scenes of me writing "Heaven." Okay. So before we begin with the end in mind, we're going to begin at the beginning. Now, what you're about to hear is a bunch of audio pictures. And if you've never heard any of my audio picture episodes, this is literally just like what you would do with your camera where you would take a picture of something and then look at it later. Well, because I can't see, I record things, and they're little audio snapshots of moments in my world. So I thought I would take you behind the scenes writing, or attempting to write, "Heaven." So we'll start with me in Florida. Because that's a very inspiring place to write about heaven, right? Well, not so much. I had high hopes, but very low output.
Jennifer Rothschild: This is the sound outside my window here in Treasure Island as I'm working. I have a standing desk right under the window. And it's a cool morning, so the windows are open. Again writing on heaven. Trying, actually. Did I say writing? That's a very strong word. I'm reading about heaven and thinking about heaven and feeling writer's block about heaven.
Jennifer Rothschild: So I got home and then I was thinking, you know, I can write better at home. Right? But before I could write, I had to rearrange my office --
KC Wright: Of course.
Jennifer Rothschild: -- because that's what I do. Right? That's what I literally do with every new writing project. I redecorate, I rearrange. And so here you go.
Jennifer Rothschild: This one here.
Kenzie Harkrider: Yes, ma'am.
Jennifer Rothschild: And then the only -- the other lamp I had on my desk --
Kenzie Harkrider: Yeah, you had one on your desk, one on the middle table, and then the one in the corner.
Jennifer Rothschild: So you prefer this one over here than the one with the white shade?
Kenzie Harkrider: The tall one? Is that what you're talking about?
Jennifer Rothschild: Yeah, mm-hmm.
Kenzie Harkrider: I think so. I think it would block the windows too much.
Jennifer Rothschild: Okay, gotcha. That's all I need here. Okay. All right. So then I have that extra lamp that I could put somewhere?
Kenzie Harkrider: Yes.
Jennifer Rothschild: Yes. Okay.
Kenzie Harkrider: It's a pretty lamp.
Jennifer Rothschild: It is a pretty lamp. All right. Where is it right now, just so I know for later?
Kenzie Harkrider: It is -- where do you want me to put it? It's in here. So --
Jennifer Rothschild: What else do I have left? I have the --
Kenzie Harkrider: We just need to put your chair behind your desk and on the big metal trunk.
Jennifer Rothschild: Mm-hmm. With the silver service on it?
Kenzie Harkrider: Yes, ma'am.
Jennifer Rothschild: And then I have that other lamp?
Kenzie Harkrider: Yeah.
Jennifer Rothschild: I think this is gonna look good.
Kenzie Harkrider: I think so.
Jennifer Rothschild: It's a different look, but I like it.
Kenzie Harkrider: Yeah.
Jennifer Rothschild: Does it look bigger?
Kenzie Harkrider: No.
Jennifer Rothschild: Okay. It's an odd shaped office [indecipherable] furniture in it. Okay. Let's just move my trunk into the dining room.
Kenzie Harkrider: Okay. I'm gonna leave the lamp in here with all the other stuff.
Jennifer Rothschild: Yeah, on that trunk?
Kenzie Harkrider: By the trunk, yeah.
Jennifer Rothschild: Yeah. Thank you.
Kenzie Harkrider: So we know where it's at. Let me put your chair back.
Jennifer Rothschild: Thank you.
Kenzie Harkrider: New Bible study, new office.
Jennifer Rothschild: Well, that's usually what I do.
Kenzie Harkrider: Late night office renovations.
Jennifer Rothschild: Well, I'm not really sure that it helped, because here's another example of my attempt to write.
Jennifer Rothschild: Okay. So now I decided to come sit at the kitchen table. And I am dressed and working with a second cup of coffee, and it is in a mug that says, "It Is Well With My Soul." I'm running the dishwasher. I've got my sun lamp at the table here for me and my prayer plant. So, like, here we go. Here. We. Go. Yes. It's only like 5:55. Yes.
Jennifer Rothschild: Well, then we went to Nashville, Tennessee, for a writers' conference. Now, let me explain what that is. A writers' conference is when all these different representatives from the publishing house gather and I, as the author, get to kind of share what the vision is. If I have a proposal written -- which I did -- I share the proposal. And then as a team we get to go through it and, like, see if there's any gaps or if they have any better ideas.
And so what's really cool, KC, is they include, like, someone from marketing, someone from art, someone from video, someone from content. So you get this -- you really do get a holistic from the very beginning experience. And it's super supportive to me as the author.
Well, you're about to hear a little bit of that. And at one point, the actual president of Lifeway Publishing House, Ben Mandrell, even popped in --
KC Wright: Wow.
Jennifer Rothschild: -- to be an encouragement, which was so sweet. So here's a bit of the writers' conference.
Mike Wakefield: I'm very excited. That's what it kind of sounded like after I said that. We lost a few people, so -- you know. But great discussion this morning, guys, really great discussion. I appreciate it. I want you to continue to feel that openness to -- everybody to share, because we're going to need that as we talk about titles, that kind of thing, how we title the study. So that's what we're going to move into. We'll talk about titling and then we'll talk about cover. But I'm going to turn the titling portion of this over to Tina. Tina, I'm going to let you drive this a little bit.
Tina Boesch: I just told Jennifer I had one idea of what we might do. But in this case, I actually think she's brought some incredible possibilities to the table, so I'm not sure our Post-It Note method is going to be as helpful in this case. But in addition -- so first of all, Jennifer, I want you to tell us the titles you've been thinking through, the subtitles, and also the conversations you've already had with women and their reactions to these.
Jennifer Rothschild: Okay.
Tina Boesch: And you guys also know if as we've been talking other possibilities have presented themselves to you, like, let's just make this a conversation around titling and subtitling. If you've had other thoughts, if there were things that Jennifer said that sparked an idea, feel free to bring those. We don't want to shut down any ideas and limit ourselves. But Jennifer also has some really good ideas.
Mike Wakefield: Come on in and interrupt. Come on. You can come interrupt.
Ben Mandrell: What's up?
Dr. Phil Rothschild: Hey, hey.
Jennifer Rothschild: (Humming "Hail To The Chief.")
Ben Mandrell: Hi.
Jennifer Rothschild: It's Mr. President.
Ben Mandrell: How are you guys?
Jennifer Rothschild: Glad to see you, Ben.
Ben Mandrell: Well, how are you? Are you being onery?
Jennifer Rothschild: He is.
Dr. Phil Rothschild: Oh, man.
Jennifer Rothschild: He is.
Ben Mandrell: Always.
Jennifer Rothschild: No, I'm just here to make these people behave.
Ben Mandrell: What are we working on?
Jennifer Rothschild: Heaven.
Dr. Phil Rothschild: We've had such great discussion on the topic of heaven.
Ben Mandrell: Oh, this is the heaven thing.
Jennifer Rothschild: This is the heaven thing, yes.
Ben Mandrell: Awesome.
Jennifer Rothschild: And we've had a great morning so far. We just went through content. Now we're about to do media, video. And great team.
Ben Mandrell: Awesome.
Jennifer Rothschild: Great input, great insights.
Dr. Phil Rothschild: Yeah, yeah.
Jennifer Rothschild: Wasn't that awesome? I just really wanted you to hear that. Because my name may be on the cover of the Heaven Bible study, but there are so many names that make a project like this happen, and I am super thankful for each one of them.
So after all that collaboration and inspiration, I went back home and I got to writing. Now, buckle up, because you are about to ride along with me on my ten-month emotional and spiritual roller coaster. It was early mornings, it was late nights. It was dinner with Phil where I talked about it. You'll hear me very peaceful, you'll hear me procrastinating. And even panicking a little bit, but always persevering.
Jennifer Rothschild: So I'm sitting here at the lake by myself. We made candles all day yesterday. And listen to this one. (Sound of a candle burning.) That is a good wood wick right there. And it smells like coffee. I decided to name this one Coffee Break, because it's got a coffee fragrance with a little bit of vanilla cream, like a French vanilla cream. So I've got my coffee candle next to my cup of Starbucks Verona.
And I also yesterday made blue flower candles to try to create something to go with my Heaven Bible study, which is what I need to work on today. Which is why I'm doing the voice memo, because I'm procrastinating, because this is probably the hardest day of study, because I gotta get everybody to the New Earth. In 1,500 words or less, I need to figure out how to get them there.
Dr. Phil Rothschild: So what was the breakthrough, then, for you?
Jennifer Rothschild: Oh, it's not really a breakthrough as much as it's been a -- I don't know how to describe it. I think it helped me that I didn't read N.T. Wright's book until this week.
Dr. Phil Rothschild: Oh.
Jennifer Rothschild: And then when I did, I was like, dang, the Lord's already showed me all this stuff.
Dr. Phil Rothschild: That's good.
Jennifer Rothschild: Like, that was my goal, is to learn it hard knocks, study Scripture, try to figure it out myself --
Dr. Phil Rothschild: Yeah.
Jennifer Rothschild: -- instead of just be influenced by a scholar and be influenced by a book. But I've been nervous that I'm missing something. So thankfully when I read his book, I was like, oh, yes. I mean I feel good about it.
Dr. Phil Rothschild: That's awesome.
Jennifer Rothschild: It's just now about 7 a.m. and I'm sitting in my office. It's quiet in the house. And I lit a candle, my blue flower candle with the wood wick. Let me -- there, you can hear it. (Sound of a candle burning.) And I thought I would just capture how I start writing days. I'm getting near the end. And I had emailed Mike, my editor and friend, a few weeks ago because I was still dealing with the after-effects of COVID, and I had pleurisy, and Phil was in a car accident. Just so many things that were making it very difficult to persevere.
And Mike in an email sent me just some encouragement, but then at the very end you can tell he spontaneously prayed this. And he put it in writing. So literally ever since he sent the prayer, I have started my writing with this prayer. So I thought I would let you hear it. And you'll hear it the way I hear it, because I have to listen to it on my computer. But then I literally pray it as I hear it. So this could be a little cluttery, audio clutter, but this is -- welcome to my world. This is how I begin with prayer.
"Lord, hear our prayer as we commit all of this and ourselves to your keeping. We are trusting you to establish the work of our hands for your glory and for Kingdom work." Yes and Amen. "We are trusting the work of your Holy Spirit in each of us to help us say what needs to be said" -- yes and Amen -- "and not say what does not need to be said. Help us know truth from error. Help us be able to clearly communicate the message that you have given." And then he prays this for me specifically. "Hold tight my precious friend Jennifer close as she finishes her writing. Protect her, heal her, comfort her, encourage her, and strengthen her. May your favor rest on her." And I agree with that prayer, Lord. I need it. "Both of us" -- and I agree with that, Lord -- "and all who surround and contribute to this project are yours and are surrendered to you." And that means all my team, all the publishing team that will touch this. "It is for your purpose and for your glory. Amen."
Jennifer Rothschild: I have no confidence.
Dr. Phil Rothschild: You feel rushed.
Jennifer Rothschild: I feel rushed, I feel pressured. I have no confidence in what I'm doing. I literally have no confidence. Because I'm trying to write emphatically about things that are highly contested and somewhat uncertain. So I have no confidence. Besides the fact I don't have a seminary degree.
Dr. Phil Rothschild: Uh-huh.
Jennifer Rothschild: I'm not that smart. I am very aware I don't know what I don't know, so I'm trying to handle it very judiciously.
Dr. Phil Rothschild: Yeah.
Jennifer Rothschild: So I don't -- I'm not enjoying it. You want to know the honest truth? I'm ready to kick the football out of the stadium and run off the field. I am done. But I can't. So I literally have asked me all day today, I've asked meself, "Self, what else do you need to know about this?" Because I can't do it. And that's what I finally said.
Dr. Phil Rothschild: Yeah.
Jennifer Rothschild: We can't cover it all. So I just went to -- okay, Peter, he wrote a letter when he was about to die.
Dr. Phil Rothschild: Right.
Jennifer Rothschild: He was like, okay, people, in light of heaven and Christ's return, here's what you need to do.
Dr. Phil Rothschild: Good. Yeah.
Jennifer Rothschild: So that's what I'm doing on one of the days. And then I've got -- that's my second to the last day.
Dr. Phil Rothschild: That's good. That's smart.
Jennifer Rothschild: Yeah. And just let it go. (Singing) Let it go.
Dr. Phil Rothschild: Yeah. And what would Jill do with it?
Jennifer Rothschild: Oh, she'll just clean it up.
Dr. Phil Rothschild: Yeah.
Jennifer Rothschild: She just cleans it up so that it's not so awful for Mike to try to read through.
Dr. Phil Rothschild: Yeah, yeah.
Jennifer Rothschild: Isn't that awful -- I mean, awesome?
Dr. Phil Rothschild: It is very awesome. Way to send it off.
Jennifer Rothschild: Yes.
Dr. Phil Rothschild: That was Week 5?
Jennifer Rothschild: Yes.
Dr. Phil Rothschild: So you only have Week 6 to go?
Jennifer Rothschild: Yes. And I'm out -- I mean, I've got the outline kind of. It's all dynamic.
Dr. Phil Rothschild: Yeah.
Jennifer Rothschild: So I'm now setting up documents.
Dr. Phil Rothschild: And is it four days each week?
Jennifer Rothschild: Well, yeah, and then a Dash Living.
Dr. Phil Rothschild: Right, right, right. Have you worked on the Dash Living yet?
Jennifer Rothschild: Mm-hmm.
Dr. Phil Rothschild: Oh, yeah, you feel good --
Jennifer Rothschild: I'm doing them as I go.
Jennifer Rothschild: All right, I'm in the house by myself. Phil's coming back today. And I finally got up at 4:15 this morning because I could not sleep. Because here I am near the end of the Bible study, and once again I still am getting all tripped up over the rapture and the Second Coming and communicating it clearly and how much and little to communicate and -- anyway, I just had a 26-minute conversation with ChatGPT, and he was very helpful. And if he's correct, he was very helpful. If he's not correct, then I will end up being even more unclear in what I'm trying to write. But I have only got three more days of study to write, and I'm having so much trouble landing this plane.
Jennifer Rothschild: So the first day of Week 6 is "The Already and the Not Yet." Yes, Day 2, which I'm working on right now -- I'm almost done with, I think -- is this concept of sojourning well. And can you believe I'm congested again? Who am I talking to? Myself, I guess. I don't think I have Long Covid, but I surely am not 100% yet, and I wish I could get well and feel better.
Jennifer Rothschild: How has your morning been?
Dr. Phil Rothschild: Good -- busy, but good.
Jennifer Rothschild: Good thing you had a day off?
Dr. Phil Rothschild: Yes. I'm grateful for that. So you're almost done 90%, huh?
Jennifer Rothschild: Yeah. It's just now doing the -- you know, the little exercise I'm having to do on people's last words.
Dr. Phil Rothschild: Oh, yeah?
Jennifer Rothschild: Just, you know, making sure all my Scriptures are accurate and my questions are clear --
Dr. Phil Rothschild: Nice.
Jennifer Rothschild: -- [indecipherable] activity. But I think I've got the emotion, and there are thoughts and -- it's -- yeah. Like if I died right now, somebody could finish it easily.
Dr. Phil Rothschild: Wow. Let's hope you don't die.
Jennifer Rothschild: Well, I don't want to either, but actually, it wouldn't be a bad alternative after I studied it for six weeks.
Dr. Phil Rothschild: Yeah.
Jennifer Rothschild: I'm not sad about that idea.
Jennifer Rothschild: All right. This is the day that the Lord has made, and I will rejoice and be so glad in it because I just turned in my manuscript. Can we all say hallelujah? So I am so relieved. And, you know, sometimes you have to just be done even if you don't feel finished. Trust the process, trust the True Author of all that is good, and trust my editor.
Anyway, I'm playing the song I've played the whole time. It's the Gray Havens. It's called "Far Kingdom." Oh, it just helps me visualize heaven. So I'm super thankful. It's been quite, quite the hard finish. And now I'm going to start working on messages. But I'm just so thankful that I've got the manuscripts done.
And is he good? He is good. Is he God? He is God. And am I grateful? I am grateful. So grateful. But I think I'm going to take a nap before I work some more. I'll finish the song, then I'll take a nap. Then I'll drink some coffee and then I will start to look at what I could possibly teach that I haven't already written.
Jennifer Rothschild: All right, well, you heard it, I turned in the manuscript. And after I turned in the manuscript, I prepared to teach it at my home church, to the women at my home church. And I just love the privilege of teaching the women at my church. And they're kind to let me do this, because I get to work out the kinks and, you know, figure out maybe what I had left out or what doesn't make sense before we publish and before I teach it on video. So that's a super big help. So big shoutout to the homegirls, the women at Second Baptist Church in Springfield, Missouri.
All right. But before I could teach, I want you to hear how we started. It was with Kenzie. She was creating for me a prop to use as an illustration. And then after you hear that, you'll hear us moving into the filming. And so after I've taught it, we are going to film the Bible study. And you'll even get to hear the voice probably of my stud husband. So here are some of the behind the scenes of all that.
Jennifer Rothschild: So Kenzie is trying to make us a box of Neapolitan ice cream for me to use for my Heaven study that I'm going to teach at church before I film it. And she's trying to cut Styrofoam to fit inside an emptied and cleaned-out carton of Neapolitan ice cream.
Kenzie Harkrider: We don't have the fancy heat knife like everything suggests --
Jennifer Rothschild: No. So what'd you do?
Kenzie Harkrider: -- on the Google. I tried to heat up a regular kitchen knife --
Jennifer Rothschild: Yeah?
Kenzie Harkrider: -- and cut through it that way. That did not work.
Jennifer Rothschild: Oh.
Kenzie Harkrider: So now I'm just kind of hacking away at it and seeing what happens.
Jennifer Rothschild: Well, I told you it doesn't have to look good because -- in fact, if it looks pitiful when I use it on Wednesday night when I teach, there will be some crafty woman in there going, "I could do better than that," and I will say, "Could you please do that?"
Kenzie Harkrider: Please do that. Have at it.
Jennifer Rothschild: We need you to do that.
Jennifer Rothschild: Lord, I thank you so much for the opportunity. And this is your -- this is your place we're going to be talking about. This is your Word. This is about your Son. So I ask you in the name of Jesus that the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart would be acceptable to you, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer.
I want to begin with a question. 9/11. Do you remember where you were on September 11th, 2001? Yeah, right? None of us will forget that dark day. That was the day that on Flight 93, United Flight 93...
C.S. Lewis has a quote I love. He wrote -- in one of his letters to Malcolm, he was talking about joy on earth and how it helps us glimpse heaven. It's like little shafts of heavenly light. And he said this: "Joy is the serious business of heaven." Joy is a serious business of heaven. And so I have found some things for me that have brought me such joy that have helped me attach to heaven. And one of them is a blue flower. That's why you have blue flowers on your table, that's why there are blue flowers on your book cover.
The blue flower I first heard about a book by C.S. Lewis called "Surprised by Joy." He was talking about this ache for eternity and this longing for joy and how just longing for something beyond yourself is even satisfying in and of itself. And so he said, "I am a votary of the blue flower." And I was like, what is a votary? "Alexa, what is the definition of votary?" She didn't know either. Okay, votary is a very old-fashioned word, but it really means devotee, like you are devoted to something. So C.S. Lewis basically said, I am devoted to the blue flower.
So I did some research to find out what in the world he meant and learned that the blue flower is a symbol in German romantic literature representing longing and an ache for the eternal, beauty, transcendence, almost an unattainable desire for something that is so beautiful. That's how the blue flower is used in literature.
So then I became a devotee of the blue flower. And I imagine the blue flower. I imagine that heaven might even be carpeted with the blue flower, because the beauty, it just captured my imagination. That's what gods of heaven are supposed to do, my friends. They're supposed to capture us and make us think beyond today.
Jennifer Rothschild: All right, filming the Heaven Bible study starts tomorrow, and so we came to the lake this weekend. I just finished sending my last outline to myself and correcting it based on the transcript that Kenzie gave me, plus Mike's changes. So I told Phil I was going to come outside and sit on the deck and process everything with the cicadas. The cicadas is one of my favorite sounds. I know to some people it's annoying, but at least my little section of the New Earth, I hope we have cicadas.
Jennifer Rothschild: All right, so now I'm just going to try to discipline myself to not keep all these seven messages in my head all at once, but to try to rest in the Lord and wait patiently on him. Trust him, trust the process, trust how he works in me. And I'll review them all again today, but then I will only look at messages one and two tomorrow. That's it. And then on Wednesday, because I'm teaching three on Wednesday night, I'll look at messages three, four, and five, and that's it. Trust the Lord that he'll help me memorize them. And then on Thursday, I will look at the last two messages and no more. All right. And then Friday morning is the B-roll.
So I think we're going to come back to this lake so I can hear the cicadas in process and be thankful. Praise the Lord with the cicadas. Every creature of our God and King, we're all going to celebrate when I'm done with this project. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Dr. Phil Rothschild: Thank you for what you've been doing this week. Thank you for using this beautiful bride of mine to study Your Word and to prepare and to deliver this important message for all of us so that we can live these days in the dashes in such a way that brings glory and honor to you and gives us a great hunger and thirst for our heavenly home. Thank you for all that you're doing. Thank you for these friends that have come each night to support Jennifer. So very grateful. Thank you for this team, Lord, that is -- all in the production and writing and editing. So grateful for all of these folks. And we're grateful for what you're going to do tonight. Would you please give Jennifer excellent recall. Would you give her peace to know that you are -- you are speaking through her. It's not her; it's you, your Holy Spirit empowering her.
Jennifer Rothschild: All right. That was my stud husband there at the end. He was praying for me on set. And I was so grateful that he did that when we filmed Heaven.
So now we are at the very end of the writing, the teaching, the filming, and so I asked my friend Michael O'Brien for a song that he could write that I could use as the Heaven theme song. And you're hearing it right now. It's called "Ascending," and it's perfect. I love that he had already named it "Ascending" before we chose it to be the Heaven theme song. So that means we're always moving on, moving up, moving forward onward and upward.
Well, my friends, all these audio pictures that you have just heard, I mean, they're just all part of the process behind the scenes. And the fact that there is actually a finished video-enhanced Bible study is just proof that God was in the whole thing.
KC Wright: Amazing. Wow, God.
So you will want to check out the Heaven Bible study for sure. You can go to the Show Notes right now,, or go straight to
Also, you do not want to miss the bonus episode that posts right after this, because it's all about the blue flower. And when you see the Heaven Bible study, you'll see it has a blue flower on the cover And the blue flower is significant. So keep listening to hear more audio pictures of Blue Flower Moments. They will make you smile and probably inspire you to create your very own.
Well, friends -- I mean, y'all are more than friends, you're --
Jennifer Rothschild: Yeah, they're family.
KC Wright: -- 4:13 family. As Ann said, let's begin with the end in mind.
Jennifer Rothschild: Yeah. Because earth is short and heaven is long.
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