Georgia on My Mind – FGF Highlights, Cumming, GA

Who sang that great old song, “Just an old sweet song keeps Georgia on my mind”? When I got home from Fresh Grounded Faith Cumming, that song came to mind as I kept reminiscing about the weekend.

Fresh Grounded Faith Cumming Georgia Michael O’Brien Annie F. Downs Katherine Wolf

Thank you to Kierston Parks for the beautiful photos. To see the entire Facebook photo album, click here. For those of you who joined the photo booth fun, you can view your photos here.

That’s because there were many sweet songs and echoes of sweet moments at First Redeemer Church that keep Georgia on my mind.

Michael O’Brien opened the weekend by leading us in “Amazing Grace,” and sister, what a timely reminder of the incredible grace we have received. We all celebrated that our chains are gone—we’ve been set free!

Annie F. Downs brought us sweet truth about how God’s grace invites us to confess everything to Him. Even with our failures, God has made a way for us to come to Him, and my friend, His grace is sufficient.

Katherine Wolf gave us her story, and tucked in it were so many truth bombs … and they all started with the letter S. I loved it! The one that stood out to me the most was “our suffering can become our superpower.”

Oh girl, it was some good stuff.

I shared about how to give grace by grasping loosely, responding rather than reacting, apologizing or forgiving, choosing our words well, and empathizing before evaluating. If you were there, you know that spells G.R.A.C.E.!

And, speaking of grace, God was so, so gracious to me and Phil by giving us some extra time after the conference with a dear friend of ours.

Because we had a late flight on Saturday night, we got to spend the afternoon with Laura Story and her husband, as well as their very, very cute kids. That afternoon personally ministered to my heart, making me even more thankful for the family of God.

And it was through the family of God that I was reminded of His love and grace all weekend.

I felt it through the kindness of our driver, Tom, and my hostess, Heather. I saw it in our Local Conference Coordinator, Catherine Jackson—in everything she said and did. And we all got to experience it through the volunteers who served so eagerly.

What a joy it was to see the body of Christ in action. Because, sister, we see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven (Matthew 5:16).

And God was glorified indeed through His people and through the Spirit working in the hearts of women who were there. We celebrated a precious new sister in Christ, 18 women who chose to renew their commitment to the Lord, and 33 children sponsored through Compassion International. Praise the Lord!

God was at work doing what only He can, and we got to witness firsthand His amazing grace.

So, do you see why I can’t get Georgia off my mind? It continues to echo in my thoughts and my heart, and I continue to be blessed by our time together.


Jennifer and the FGF Team!

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