Heaven: When Faith Becomes Sight [Video-based Bible Study]

Heaven: When Faith Becomes Sight Bible Study by Jennifer Rothschild

We all have questions about Heaven, right? At some point, we all wonder about what comes after this life. Well in this study, I explore the subject of Heaven from a biblical perspective, separating what’s true about Heaven from what’s based on legend, media depictions, and hopeful guesses.

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My friend, I learned—and unlearned—so much as I studied and wrote about Heaven. But here’s the best part…

You don’t just get questions answered about what’s to come. You’ll also understand how the reality of Heaven affects your life now!

Because it’s not just a “not-yet, won’t it be nice, hold on until then” reality. The reality of our future Heaven gives us present light, right now hope, current peace, real-time security, timeless beauty, and a forever promise. What you believe about Heaven utterly changes how you live this day, this moment, this present reality on this side of eternity.

So don’t just wonder about Heaven—embrace it with a faith that turns anticipation into excitement and peace.


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Watch Heaven Introductory Session One

Plus, you can access the entire first week of the study for FREE!

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