New to Bible Study … and Not So Sure About It?

New to Bible Study

I get questions all the time from women who are interested in reading one of my books. But once I mention my newest option is a Bible study … they pump the brakes on the conversation!

“That sounds way too intimidating!” “I wouldn’t know where to start.” “It’s just me. I don’t have anyone to study with.”

Girl, I get it! Bible study can sound a little scary, especially if you’re new to the Bible or don’t have group of women to help you along. So, if that’s you, let me unintimidate this whole concept for you!

Blue Flower Moments – Audio Pictures [BONUS]

Blue Flower Moments Audio Pictures

Have you ever experienced a “blue flower moment?” Not likely, right? That’s not a phrase you hear every day!

Well, after listening to this very special BONUS episode of the 4:13, you’ll not only recall the blue flower moments you’ve already experienced, you’ll also be able to recognize them all the time.

But first, let me explain what a blue flower moment is…

Behind the Scenes of Heaven – Audio Pictures [Episode 331]

Behind the Scenes of Heaven Audio Pictures

As we kick off this new year, we’re beginning with the end in mind! And to be clear, I’m talking about our ultimate end … in Heaven, which is our glorious unending.

We’re jumping all the way to Heaven because this is a very special day for me! Today is when my newest Bible study called Heaven: When Faith Becomes Sight releases. Woohoo!

But before we begin with the end in mind, let’s begin at the beginning of my attempt to write Heaven. I thought it would be fun for you to go behind the scenes of the writing process so you can see how the Lord carried me and this project along, and how—in a similar sense—He carries you along too.

Jennifer Sings the Hymn of St. Patrick Over You and Your New Year [Episode 330]

Hymn St. Patrick New Year

On today’s episode of the 4:13, you’re going to get a little history and a whole lot of blessing because I’m going to sing a song over you as a blessing for your new year.

But before I sing, you’ll get to learn about the fascinating history of St. Patrick. Yep! Because although it may not be St. Patrick’s Day, what I’m going to sing is taken from the Hymn of St. Patrick.

Audio Christmas Card With Jennifer and KC’s Christmas Memories [Episode 329]

Audio Christmas Card Christmas Memories Michael O'Brien

Merry Christmas, 4:13ers! Today, KC and I share some fun Christmas memories to brighten your day and lighten your load. You’ll enjoy these hilarious little snapshots into our youth that God used to form us into who we are today.

And—in keeping with our Christmas tradition—Michael O’Brien will sing a beautiful Christmas song over you to remind you of the peace and blessings we all get to experience this season.

Jennifer’s 7 Favorite Books About Heaven

Jennifer's 7 Favorite Books About Heaven

These are some of my favorite books about Heaven. All of them, for one reason or another, really informed and helped shape my Heaven: When Faith Becomes Sight Bible study.

Some will make you think, some will make you cry, and some will make you say, “What? I never thought of that!” So, I included a variety, including two fiction books that will help awaken your imagination about Heaven. Here’s my list…