If You’re Afraid of Not Measuring Up

When I went to China, I got to meet some of Phil’s students. Oh, I guess I should tell you that was the reason we got to go on such an amazing once-in-a-lifetime  trip; Phil was invited to teach at Liaoning Normal University in Dalian, China. While we were there, I got to visit his Venue Management class and meet his students.

Phil had told them I was blind and they were curious and asked lots of the usual questions like, “How do you ___?”(fill in the blank). There are a million “How do you do___? ” kinds of questions when you’re blind, but one young woman’s question totally blew me away — it was very revealing.

In broken, but very good English, she asked: “When you became blind, were you afraid people would be ashamed of you or your family would not love you?”

3 Steps to a Happier You

Have you ever noticed the things you say to yourself — and believe?

I could never do that.
They don’t like me.
I am such an idiot!

You wouldn’t talk that way to anyone else, yet phrases like these constantly flow through your mind, leaving you insecure and defeated.

Girl, I have been there too! The things I said to myself shook my confidence and kept me stuck in defeat until I learned how to get rid of those lies and start speaking positive, biblical truth to my soul.

Do you want to get rid of some of your stinking thinking? Do you need to change what you say to yourself? Yep… even if you’ve got a pretty good habit of not beating yourself up with your words, we all need to review what we say when we talk to ourselves, refresh our inner vocabulary and refine what we say so it matches up with God’s Truth.

How to Interview Your Soul

Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul? Why are you crying the blues?
(Psalm 42:5 MSG)

Have you ever asked your soul questions like that? Why are you in despair? Why so down, so negative, so anxious?

How to Interview Your soul image

If you’ve never done that, now would be a good time to start. Grab a cup of coffee, take a seat at your kitchen table, and have an interview with your soul.

3 Surefire Ways to Gain Wisdom

One of the things that drives me crazy about getting older is I know there is a lot that I don’t know. Unfortunately, I don’t know what I don’t know! Can you relate? But one of the things that makes me really really happy about getting older is realizing that knowledge is not nearly as important as wisdom. And sisters, wisdom has nothing to do with what we know or don’t know, and everything to do with Who we do know!

God is not greedy with His wisdom. If you need it, He’ll give it. Here are three surefire ways to make wisdom your BFF.