Building Bridges of Faith: A Recap of Fresh Grounded Faith in Chesapeake, VA

Last weekend, over 800 women from all walks of life gathered at Great Bridge Baptist Church in Chesapeake, Virginia for an unforgettable event: Fresh Grounded Faith. With the support of 10 co-host churches, our time together became a powerful testament to the strength of the body of Christ and the unifying power of faith.

Fresh Grounded Faith, Chesapeake, Virginia, Michael O'Brien, Ann Voskamp, Jennifer Rothschild, Tammy Trent, Shaun Groves

Thank you to Rebecca Reynolds and Will Pickering for the beautiful photos. To see the entire Facebook photo album, click here. For those of you who joined the photo booth fun, you can view your photos here.

And, as it turns out, the location itself has a history deep-rooted in resilience and unity.

Our host church, Great Bridge Baptist Church, was named after the historical Great Bridge that spans the Southern Branch of the Elizabeth River. This bridge, steeped in history as the site of the Revolutionary War Battle of Great Bridge, represents resilience, unity, and the triumph of freedom over oppression.

Interesting, isn’t it?

Well, just as the Great Bridge connected two sides of the river, our faith serves as a bridge, uniting women from diverse backgrounds and experiences.

Because in the midst of our busy lives, it’s easy to feel isolated and disconnected. However, this weekend reminded us that our faith is a powerful force that brings us together, transcending barriers and building bridges of deep and meaningful connection.

We got to experience this firsthand through the messages shared and the songs of praise lifted together in worship.

Ann Voskamp, Tammy Trent, and Michael O’Brien encouraged us through God’s Word, and as they shared their stories, their struggles, and their triumphs, it was an affirmation of the common ground and solidarity we have in our faith in Christ. The spirit of camaraderie that permeated the room was tangible, leaving a lasting impression on all who attended.

And just as the Battle of Great Bridge was a turning point in Virginia’s fight for independence, Fresh Grounded Faith was a turning point for many women in their spiritual journey.

We celebrated 6 new sisters in Christ, 38 women who chose to renew their commitments to Christ, and 33 children rescued from poverty through Compassion International! Praise the Lord!

It was a great reminder that we are not alone in our struggles. Our Heavenly Father sees, He cares, and His grace is sufficient.

And we also got to witness Him working in the hearts of everyone who gave of their time and talents to make the event possible, including our Local Conference Coordinators, Kim Ford and Megan Perry, and our many volunteers. Each person beautifully displayed the heart of a servant through compassion and grace, and I’m grateful for these brothers and sisters in Christ.

As we left the event, we carried with us the lessons learned and the connections made, knowing that our faith serves as a Great Bridge, not only to each other but also to our community. Just as the historical Great Bridge continues to stand as a symbol of unity and resilience, so too does our faith serve as a beacon of hope to the world.


Jennifer and the FGF Team!

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