Invisible: Resources for Influencers

Hey you wonderful woman! If you’re here it’s because you’ve offered to help me get the word out about Invisible: How You Feel Is Not Who You Are. Thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my coffee drinking, chocolate eating and Jesus loving heart- thank you! Oh girl, I’m so grateful for you! Near the bottom of this page my Dr. Phil has a small way to show you our gratefulness so read on…

Ways to Lend a Hand

Below you’ll find lots of resources to make it super easy to get the word out! Here are 3 ways that we would be overjoyed if you’d consider –

  1. Use social media to help spread the word.
  2. Insert a Q&A about Invisible, a blog post written by Jennifer, or an excerpt about the book on your blog. You can also host a giveaway on your blog, and we will ship 1-3 books directly to your winners.
  3. Send an email to your email list mentioning the blog post or pointing them to (ready on Monday, July 27)

Our “We Are So Grateful For You” Offer:

If you would be able to do the above three things during the week of August 10-15 (the official release week of Invisible), Jennifer’s team would like to invite you to an exclusive Conference Call where we will share the ins and outs of launching a book.

To be invited to the Unpacking the Book Launch Conference Call, (scheduled for September) simply do the following things between Monday, August 10 and Saturday, August 15:

  • Forward the email you send to your list about Invisible: How You Feel is Not Who You Are to
  • Send Caroline the link to the blogpost where you share about Invisible – whether it’s a Q&A, a pre-written post, or an original review you write.

Important: At the bottom of your post, please include the following for your readers:
Jennifer Rothschild’s new book, Invisible: How You Feel is Not Who You Are is now available! If you order this week, you’ll receive several free gifts as Jennifer’s way to say thank you! Go to to learn more and grab your copy.

Official Invisible Book Landing Page

We are doing two Launch Campaigns. We are doing a Pre-order Launch (Monday, July 27- Saturday, August 1) and a Release Week Launch (Monday, August 10-Saturday, August 15). Our Invisible book landing page is . The special offers will change but this is where we want to send all visitors to find our more about the book and the perks.

Description of Invisible: How You Feel Is Not Who You Are

Author Jennifer Rothschild has a story for you. It’s about an unlikely couple, an unusual courtship, a beautiful wedding, and an illicit affair. Despite this situation, the marriage did not fail. It flourished. Here is the story of Hosea’s love for Gomer–a woman who might have disappeared into her transgressions if not for the love of her husband. It’s a beautiful illustration of the story of God and Israel.

Believe it or not, it’s your story too. God chose you and loves you.

  • If you wander off, He will find you.
  • If you are afraid, He will reassure you.
  • If you are broken, He will restore you.
  • If you are ashamed, He will cover you.
  • If you give up on Him, He will not give up on you.

If you’ve ever felt invisible or insecure, you’ll discover, just like Gomer, that God’s unfailing love changes everything. Through the story of Hosea and Gomer, God tenderly reaches out to you and whispers, “My daughter, my name and nature are love. My name makes you lovely. Because I am worthy, I make you worthy. I am here to remind you of who you are. You are never invisible to me.”

Ready-to-Share Blog Posts
In a crunch for time? Copy and paste one of Jennifer’s post on your blog and enjoy a break from blogging!

Or, have a particular angle you’d like addressed on your blog? Email

Q&A about Jennifer's new book Invisible Select to copyShow

No Mom-of-the-Year Awards for Me Select to copyShow

Take That, Insecurity! Select to copyShow

Social Media Posts

How you feel is not who you are, and @jennrothschild shows you how believing those simple words changes everything #theInvisibleBook

@jennrothschild has a story for you. It’s about an unlikely couple, an unusual courtship, a beautiful wedding, and an illicit affair. Find out the story at

Humility has never steered me wrong, but pride is an awful GPS. @jennrothschild

You aren’t redeemed because you are worthy but because you are worth it. @jennrothschild

When our thoughts wander from God, we begin to wonder who we are. #theInvisbleBook

Where our heart gravitates, our actions will navigate. #theInvisbleBook

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Jennifer’s Bio

Jennifer Rothschild is a nationally known author and speaker who has written 11 books, including the bestsellers Lessons I Learned in the Dark, Self Talk-Soul Talk and her latest release, Invisible: How You Feel Is Not Who You Are.  She’s been featured on Good Morning America, The Dr. Phil Show, The Learning Channel, Women of Faith and Extraordinary Women.  She is the founder of Fresh Grounded Faith events and  She and her husband, whom she affectionately calls “her very own Dr. Phil,” have 2 sons and a lovely daughter-in-law.  Jennifer is a CS Lewis junkie who enjoys strong coffee, dark chocolate, great conversation, international travel and audiobooks. Jennifer became blind at age fifteen and now helps others live beyond limits. Learn more at