Can I Overcome Negative Thinking Through Memorizing Scripture? With Vera Schmitz [Episode 334]

Overcome Negative Thinking Memorizing Scripture Vera Schmitz

We all struggle with negative thoughts, don’t we? Whether you’re someone who has to battle with them from time to time or on a regular basis, those pesky, intrusive thoughts can pop up just like that—without warning!

But when that happens, you don’t have to do battle on your own! You have the Word of God to do battle for you.

God’s Word is a powerful weapon that reminds you of who you truly are, what really matters, and how God’s got you no matter what. And when you tuck His Word into your heart and mind, it can replace lies with the truth and change the way you think one verse at a time.

Can I Calm My Restless Soul? With Wendy Blight [Episode 283]

Calm Restless Soul Wendy Blight

Have you ever been in a constant state of unsettledness? It’s like your soul has been taken hostage by your emotions or circumstances, and you just can’t break free!

Whether it shows up as anxiety, fear, panic attacks, or a mind that never stops racing, it can seem hopeless, can’t it?

Well today on the 4:13, author Wendy Blight shares how you can replace your restlessness with rest!

Can I Detox Stress Through Biblical Mindfulness? With Bonnie Gray [Episode 269]

Detox Stress Biblical Mindfulness Bonnie Gray

Why is it so hard to rest and refresh when we’re stressed? Well, today on the 4:13, author and podcaster Bonnie Gray answers that question with both scientific and Scripture-based insights into your body, mind, and soul.

As we talk about her book, Breathe: 21 Days to Stress Less and Transform Chaos to Calm, she’ll teach you what biblical mindfulness is and how it’s the key to breaking free from worry and anxiety.

Can I Prevent Mental and Emotional Meltdowns? With Jeff Peabody [Episode 262]

Prevent Mental Emotional Meltdowns Jeff Peabody

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book Perfectly Suited by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

Did you know 77% of Americans experience physical symptoms of stress and 73% experience psychological symptoms? And these days, depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide with 40 million American adults suffering from an anxiety disorder.

Those are staggering statistics, aren’t they?!

So, what do you do when your own mind turns on you? Fear, anxiety, and the critical voices in your head can be overwhelming, even if you know Christ died to free you from those things.

Can I Stop Living Under Time Anxiety? With Jen Pollock Michel [Episode 260]

Stop Living Under Time Anxiety Jen Pollock Michel

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book In Good Time by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

Whether we’re trying to find time, save time, manage time, or make the most of our time, one word often shows up when we’re talking about time: anxiety. But, if we want to experience freedom from time anxiety, we have to reimagine our relationship with time itself.

Today’s guest, author Jen Pollock Michel, explains that time is not something to manage, save, spend, or waste. She shares how it’s possible to have a grounded, healthy relationship with the clock to help you move from the treadmill of productivity to the call of fruitfulness.