Can I Manage My Emotions and Find Healing? With Dr. Mark Mayfield [Episode 264]

Manage Emotions Find Healing Dr. Mark Mayfield

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book The Path to Wholeness by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

Everyone experiences emotions—some easy, some difficult. But even though emotions are a normal part of life, dealing with them can be quite challenging. We often lack the intuition to understand them or the language to fully express them.

But after today, you just might see your emotions as your “friend”!

Can I Live a Balanced Life? With Whitney English [Episode 213]

Live Balanced Life Whitney English

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book A More Beautiful Life by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

In a world driven by constant productivity, we’re seeing a lot more burnout than balance. But what if you could break free from the constant state of chaos, and instead make your days more manageable and meaningful?

Well, today, you’re going to get five steps to a more beautiful, balanced life from author Whitney English.

3 Steps to Avoid Burnout, According to Jesus

Is your Christmas tree down yet? I have a friend who kept her tree up last year until April! She would report in weekly if she had taken it down and it was so funny…and so relatable!  

We’re busy, right? We’ve got stuff — jobs, family, responsibilities. Our lives can feel like one big revolving door! You know, just when you get done with one thing, here comes another!

3 steps to avoid burnout image

So, when I read Mark 6:31, I thought it could have been my friend’s Twitter post during those weeks she was just too busy to get her Christmas tree down! Or, quite honestly, I thought it could have been my own Facebook status or maybe even yours! Here it is:

For there were many people coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat. Mark 6:31 NASB

How to Find the Faith to Rest

I’m almost to the finish line of some big projects I’ve been working on and I’m trying to take little breaks in this marathon to catch my breath and rest. And, that’s not so easy!

I know you know exactly what I mean.

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But, if we don’t chill out, we’ll burn out.

The Surefire Way to Avoid Burnout

Would you define your life as “emotionally demanding?”

If you have been alive more than ten minutes, most likely you would!


That’s just a feature of being a member of the human race here on planet earth… it’s emotionally demanding.

But, living an emotionally demanding life puts you at risk for burnout.

Why You Are Too Busy NOT to Rest

This week has been one of those weeks. Maybe it’s one of those weeks for you, too. You know, one of those weeks where starting the day can feel like stepping on a treadmill of a never ending to-do list. Around and around you go, and progress seems like a distant concept! It’s tiring, right? To always be working on something, always conquering the next task… always doing… is exhausting! Any other tired sisters out there?


Benjamin Franklin once said, “He who can take rest is greater than he that can take cities.” Hmm. Taking a rest is greater than taking cities?