Can I Find New Ways of Living When the Old Ways Stop Working? With Shauna Niequist [Episode 208]

New Ways Living Shauna Niequist

When Shauna Niequist, her husband, and two sons moved from the midwest to an 825-square-foot apartment in Manhattan, adjustment to their new big-city life was difficult! But what started as a family mantra, “I guess I haven’t learned that yet,” became the permission and freedom she desperately needed to relearn how life could be.

Shauna joins us today and shares how to keep going, live lightly, and find healing in the face of major life transitions—no matter what they are. She’ll give you the first steps to uncluttering your heart and help you be okay with saying, “I don’t know!”

Can I Overcome What Overwhelms Me? With Trina McNeilly [Episode 197]

Overcome Things Overwhelm Trina McNeilly

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “unclutter”? Is it your house? Well today, you’ll learn to unclutter something far more important … your soul. And just like your house, sometimes we need to get in there, sort through it, and toss the things that weigh us down.

Author Trina McNeilly joins me on the podcast and invites you to take a closer look at where the home really is—your soul—where the throes of life leave us feeling anxious and overwhelmed. She’ll share how uncluttering your life from the inside out leads to freedom as you create more space for peace and joy.

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I begin with a confession: when my life feels out of control, I clean something! Yes. A messy drawer, an unruly closet, under my son’s bed — anything that needs sprucing up becomes therapy for me when I am overly stressed! That’s all well and good until everything is clean and I still feel cluttered on the inside!


Even if you aren’t a “cleaner” when you get stressed, you do something to reduce stress and feel more control — you may be an eater or a shopper or a procrastinator or a crier or an exerciser or… well, we all have our ways of managing when life gets crazy.

But recently, I found myself out of drawers to organize and closets to clean! I was still feeling like stress was bigger than me and had more control than I wanted it to, so I decided to clean out my inbox!

Reducing Heart Clutter

My friend Alicia is joining us for Java today!  No coffee for her, though — her mug is filled with steaming hot tea!

Dr. Alicia Britt Chole is a speaker and author. Whether spoken or written, her messages hit you in both head and heart and are like grace-filled surgeries. She and her husband, Dr. Barry J. Chole, direct a prayer retreat home called Rivendell and parent their three children in the Ozarks of Missouri where the stars shine brightly and their dogs bark loudly.

I asked her to share with you — us — about how to declutter our hearts so we can start off this new year with more of Jesus and less of our issues! Okay? Okay!

To learn more about  my friend Alicia and her newest book, 40 Days of Decrease, visit and
