Can I Turn My Setbacks Into Steps Forward? With Dr. Gregory Jantz [Episode 292]

Turn Setbacks Steps Forward Dr. Gregory Jantz

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book Why Failure Is Never Final by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

Most of us grow up thinking failure is bad. And, let’s face it, it never feels good! Failure—and all the bad feelings that go with it—are real, like unemployment, bankruptcy, and divorce, just to name a few.

Over time though, we might stop thinking we’ve failed at something and instead start believing we are failures.

But the truth is, if we’re willing to venture anything at all, we are going to fail. The question is, how will we view our failures―and what will we do with them?

Can I Move Past Toxic Shame? With Dr. Gregory Jantz [Episode 255]

Move Past Toxic Shame Dr. Gregory Jantz

Shame is to the soul what cancer is to the body. It eats away at our self-esteem, erodes our relationships, and keeps us from moving forward in life. In fact, toxic shame is often what drives addictions, anxieties, and depression.

But the good news is that freedom is possible. And that’s what we’re exploring today with author Dr. Gregory Jantz. He’ll weave together reliable psychological principles with biblical truths to start you on the path of wellness and peace.