Can I Become a Biblical Future Thinker? [Episode 332]

Biblical Future Thinker Heaven

Did you know focusing on your future can change your present? Research has shown that thinking about the future can actually improve your mental health. It can reduce worry, increase hope, and refine your sense of purpose.

Well, that’s especially true if we’re talking about your certain future—in Heaven. Because sometimes, focusing on your uncertain future can have the opposite effect.

So today, you’re going to learn how thinking about your certain future, in Paradise, can make a huge difference in how you live today.

Can I Tune Into Eternity Even Now? With Amy Baik Lee [Episode 309]

tune eternity now Amy Baik Lee

Think about the way you feel when you see a sunset. Or think about other moments of beauty and peace that capture your heart—moments you sense are offering you a hint of Heaven. And what about the longing you feel when you experience homesickness or nostalgia?

It’s true these moments are meant to point you to eternity, but what if they could do more? What if they could help you live more fully on the way there?

Can I Build Up My Faith When My World Is Crumbling? With Michele Cushatt [Episode 254]

Build Faith World Crumbling Michele Cushatt

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book A Faith That Will Not Fail by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

What do you do when you believe and have faith in God, and yet He doesn’t answer your prayers in the way you’d hoped? How do you trust Him when your world is falling apart?

Well, as a three-time head and neck cancer survivor, Michele Cushatt knows what it’s like when everything begins to crumble. But today, she shares how she found hope in her darkest moments—and how you can too!