Can I Take Care of Myself Without Being Selfish? With Janice McWilliams [Episode 241]

take care self unselfish Janice McWilliams

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book Restore My Soul by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

Do you ever practice self-care? It’s one of those things that’s often pushed aside because we think we don’t have time. Or sometimes it’s avoided entirely with the idea that self-care is selfish.

But today’s guest, therapist and spiritual director Janice McWilliams, shares how self-care is necessary! And you don’t have to wait until you’re exhausted and completely depleted to begin.

The Surefire Way to Avoid Burnout

Would you define your life as “emotionally demanding?”

If you have been alive more than ten minutes, most likely you would!


That’s just a feature of being a member of the human race here on planet earth… it’s emotionally demanding.

But, living an emotionally demanding life puts you at risk for burnout.