Can I Trade Unhealthy Patterns for God-honoring Habits? With Amber Lia [Episode 202]

Trade Unhealthy Patterns God-honoring Habits Amber Lia

Do you ever feel trapped in unhealthy thinking and eating patterns? I know, me too!

The spiritual tug-of-war between bad patterns and good habits is the ultimate food fight. But the good news is that, with God’s grace, you can win! God can help you achieve a new, healthier way to live.

Today on the 4:13 Podcast, author Amber Lia will give you the practical strategies you need to leave behind feelings of defeat, overcome food triggers, and embrace healthy habits.

Can I Bury My Ordinary? With Justin Kendrick [Episode 167]

Bury Ordinary Justin Kendrick

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book Bury Your Ordinary by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

It’s time to get out your spiritual shovel, because today you get to bury your ordinary!

Christians often get stuck in ordinary routines, but we’re called to live lives that are extraordinary! And by extraordinary, I’m talking about a life that doesn’t look like everyone else—it’s set apart, sanctified. We’re to live intentionally as a disciple of Christ!

3 Habits of the Happy Woman

Forgetful. That’s me! The thing that drives me crazy about being forgetful is that I can’t remember what I forgot! How about you?

3 habits of the happy woman image

I forget my kids’ names. I forget phone numbers and appointments and birthdays. So, I write down all that important stuff (not my kids names, I really do know those) and then I forget where I put the paper. Girl, it’s bad sometimes!

Stop Starting New Habits This Year

I heard recently, “Many people look forward to the new year for a new start on old habits.” Uh, that’s me — guilty! When the calendar turned from 2016 to 2017, many of us me included— turned our focus to what we want to “start” doing or what new habits we want to “begin.”

I made a list of resolutions. I narrowed it down to the doable. I chose the one biggie and I tried really hard and… well… my old habits have tagged along into this new year, uninvited, unwelcome, but here they are!  I think that is because most of the time, we need to let go of old habits  so the new habits can have a place to grow.