Can I Learn To Hear the Holy Spirit? With Becky Thompson [Episode 195]

Hear Holy Spirit Becky Thompson

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book God So Close by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

In a busy world full of distractions, an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit is more important than ever. But for many, the Holy Spirit seems vague and even a little confusing.

Today, author Becky Thompson is back on the 4:13 Podcast to invite you into a closer relationship with the Holy Spirit. She’ll unpack who He is and how He moves. And you’ll learn how to recognize His voice and discern when God is leading you.

How to Hear God’s Voice Through Scripture

“Are you there? Can you hear me?! Can you hear me now?” How many times have you held your phone to your ear and asked — okay, shouted, “Can you hear me?” Then, you shift positions; you move to a window, put the phone up to the other ear, speak even louder, “Can you hear me now?”


If you’re like me, you’ve done that too many times to count! In fact, so many of us have had this happen that Verizon Wireless featured an actor uttering those very words over and over in their famous cell phone commercials. Remember that?