Can I Pray Scripture Over My Marriage? With Jodie Berndt [Episode 268]

Pray Scripture Marriage Jodie Berndt

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book Praying the Scriptures for Your Marriage by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

Do you ever pray for your spouse? What about praying with your spouse?

Well, Jodie Berndt is back on the 4:13 today, and she shares how prayer is a simple way to infuse power into your marriage.

Whether you choose to pray individually or together with your spouse, you’ll discover the peace, provision, and joy that comes from trusting God with your most important relationship.

Can I Pray Scripture Over My Life? With Jodie Berndt [Episode 162]

Pray Scripture Over My Life Jodie Berndt

Sometimes prayer can feel intimidating, can’t it? Am I doing it right? Is God hearing me? You know the questions, because most likely, you have asked them.

Well, today on the 4:13 Podcast, author Jodie Berndt is going to unintimidate prayer for you.

You’ll learn the simple practice of praying Scripture over your life. And, you’ll also get practical ways to grow more comfortable and confident when it comes to prayer.