If You’ve Got Joy, You’ve Got Strength – FGF Highlights, Chino, CA

Nehemiah 8:10 says that the joy of the Lord is our strength. Well, since that is true, let me just say that there were some mighty strong women at Fresh Grounded Faith Chino!

Thank you to Elise Rall, Emily Osborn, and Larissa Kamps for the beautiful photos. To see the entire Facebook photo album, click here. For those of you who joined the photo booth fun, you can view your photos here.

The air was buzzing with enthusiasm when I walked into CrossPoint Church to meet the 168 volunteers who were helping us pull off this Kingdom-minded event. Before we even got started on Friday night, I just knew that the Lord was already moving because His joy in these women was so obvious.

Can I Find Joy Beyond the Headlines? [Episode 36 With Bobby Lewis]

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The headlines aren’t very uplifting, are they? They tell depressing stories about everything that’s wrong in this world. They accent the worst, keep us divided, and only give us half the story of what is truly happening.

Well, not today, my friend!

There’s lots of good news out there—and I am all about looking for the good. When you look for it, that’s what you see.

6 Ways to Overcome Sadness

“We’re overcome with deep sadness to be at this point.”

That was my friend’s response to the hard place she and her husband had found themselves.

Her beloved mother had been in and out of institutions because of mental illness and now, they had to make a hard, soul-tearing decision about her guardianship.

For years, they rallied, they loved, they emptied their savings for the best treatment centers, and they fought, trusted, and never gave up hope. And, now they felt like they were giving up her mom to an uncertain future.

3 Ways to Get Your Happy On

Do you ever choose a word for the year? I do! I pick one so I can take the whole year to learn it, live it, receive it, and understand it!

So, what was my word for this year?

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Not long after I picked that word, though, I broke my finger and my hero dad passed away. Those aren’t exactly ingredients for happiness, huh?

A broken finger was a painful annoyance, but losing my dad broke my heart. Even so, in the midst of it all, I am still learning what it means to be happy.