Blue Flower Moments – Audio Pictures [BONUS]

Blue Flower Moments Audio Pictures

Have you ever experienced a “blue flower moment?” Not likely, right? That’s not a phrase you hear every day!

Well, after listening to this very special BONUS episode of the 4:13, you’ll not only recall the blue flower moments you’ve already experienced, you’ll also be able to recognize them all the time.

But first, let me explain what a blue flower moment is…

Can I Tune Into Eternity Even Now? With Amy Baik Lee [Episode 309]

tune eternity now Amy Baik Lee

Think about the way you feel when you see a sunset. Or think about other moments of beauty and peace that capture your heart—moments you sense are offering you a hint of Heaven. And what about the longing you feel when you experience homesickness or nostalgia?

It’s true these moments are meant to point you to eternity, but what if they could do more? What if they could help you live more fully on the way there?

Spill the Beans LIVE with Annie F. Downs and Laura Story at Fresh Grounded Faith Plant City, FL [Episode 298]

Spill Beans Plant City Florida Fresh Grounded Faith Annie F. Downs Laura Story Jennifer Rothschild

Are you an introvert or an extrovert? What do you do to unwind? What’s your favorite smell or sound?

These are just a few of the questions we were asked as we sat around the bistro table in Plant City, Florida at a Fresh Grounded Faith event.

Author and podcaster Annie F. Downs and singer-songwriter Laura Story were with me, and these women gave so much insight and inspiration when we spilled the beans.

Can I Find Joy When the Life I Have Isn’t the One I Wanted? With Elizabeth Woodson [Episode 215]

Joy Life Not Wanted Elizabeth Woodson

We all live with some sort of longing—a gap between the life we want and the life we actually have. As we navigate this gap, we try to hang on to the hope that God will change our circumstances or fulfill our desires.

For some, those prayers are answered. Yet for others, the longing persists, making us weary at best and debilitated at worst. So, how do you find joy in this life when it isn’t the life you hoped for?