Makeover Tip: Wear Lip Liner on Your Eyes

What do you get when a blind woman has a bad hair day and her only remedy is found in free samples of eyeliner and lipliner?

Here’s the back story: Years ago, my mom taught me a way to put on my own make-up. You know, when you can’t see your face, it’s a bit challenging (not to mention scary and dangerous) to apply make-up!  But, the system she taught me when I was 15 is the same system I use today… at age 50!

Lipliner + Eyeliner + Blindness = what? Watch this funny video to find out!
[Click to Tweet]

The system works flawlessly most of the time. It is so reliable, but unfortunately, I am not!

I got things a little mixed up one day and the result was not so pretty! Wanna hear about it? Hopefully, my little incident will make you feel a whole lot better about yourself!

You can find the rest of the story in my book Lessons I Learned in the Dark. Click here to find your copy!

Question: Have you ever had an embarrassing makeup moment?