Can I Overcome Sadness? [Episode 305]

overcome sadness summer sizzle

We’ve been doing a Summer Sizzle around here, which means for the past four weeks, we’ve enjoyed four of the hottest, most shared episodes on the 4:13. And for our final week, we’re taking you back to Episode 40: “Can I Overcome Sadness?”

Because we all find ourselves down in the dumps sometimes, don’t we? And there’s no quick fix for it—it’s not like you can prevent it or talk yourself out of it when it hits. So what do you do when you are just plain sad?

How to Turn Worry in to Peace


I got an email with that as the subject line. Now, that will get your attention, won’t it?

It was from a woman whom I will call Veronica. She says she is a chronic worrier and has panic attacks. She reads her Bible and prays, but speaks really damaging self-talk to herself.


She needed some encouraging advice…

So, I spilled the beans on how to turn worry in to peace through prayer.

What Can I Do to Reinforce God’s Word?

Spill The Beans
Dear Jennifer,

What can I do to reinforce God’s Word? I started your Bible study Fingerprints of God. I will do the homework and share in the study group, only to walk out of class and not be able to recall it.  I bought your book yesterday, Self Talk, Soul Talk, and I read in it exactly what happens to me–the enemy of my mind robs the seed that was sown, and then I begin to believe the word of how I will never be able to retain it. I have beaten myself up many times over this same issue.  My heart’s desire is to live out what God’s Word teaches. I clean out the closet only to realize the junk has overtaken the Word. Help!  I’m feeling defeated.
