Can I Pray the Psalms to Grow Closer to God? With Leslie Leyland Fields [Episode 319]

Pray Psalms Closer God Leslie Leyland Fields

Do you want to experience the presence and love of God through every joy and struggle in your life? Do you long to enrich your prayer life and grow closer to God?

Well, the psalms can help you do just that. They can guide you into fresh encounters with God, and today’s guest, author Leslie Leyland Fields, is going to show you how.

Can I Prevent Mental and Emotional Meltdowns? With Jeff Peabody [Episode 262]

Prevent Mental Emotional Meltdowns Jeff Peabody

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book Perfectly Suited by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

Did you know 77% of Americans experience physical symptoms of stress and 73% experience psychological symptoms? And these days, depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide with 40 million American adults suffering from an anxiety disorder.

Those are staggering statistics, aren’t they?!

So, what do you do when your own mind turns on you? Fear, anxiety, and the critical voices in your head can be overwhelming, even if you know Christ died to free you from those things.

Can I Develop the Mind of Christ? With Denise Pass [Episode 237]

Develop Mind Christ Denise Pass

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book Make Up Your Mind by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

Every day we fight battles in our minds, and most of the time, we’re not even aware of the real fight. So, we end up defeated.

We may not realize it’s our negative mindsets at the center of the battle that keep us bound in unhealthy habits and attitudes. But, what if we knew how to break free?

How to Bless the Lord with Your Soul

Okay, my husband has officially been told that his jokes are “Dad Jokes.”

Do you know what that means? Well, if you have a teenager, you probably do.
Dad jokes are well… how shall I put it? Dumb. Yep, they’re just flat out dumb. And, my husband has taken “dad jokes” to an all new, Olympic-sized level.