Can I Know if I Am Called to Ministry? With Dr. Scott Pace and Shane Pruitt [Episode 244]

Know Called Ministry Dr. Scott Pace Shane Pruitt

How do you know if you’re being called into ministry? And isn’t every Christian called to some extent? So how do you recognize your calling, and then what do you do about it?

My friend, if you’ve asked any of these questions about God’s calling on your life, you’re not alone! And here’s the good news … today, we have lots of answers!

Dr. Scott Pace and Shane Pruitt join us on the podcast to unpack the different kinds of callings there are as well as give you four ways to recognize if you’re being called.

How to Expect and Experience God’s Presence

Rose was a widow who lived in West Palm Beach, and when I was in college, many of us students visited her. My friend Mike told me how one evening he popped in on Rose at dinner time and she invited him in. They visited a few moments in her kitchen until he noticed her kitchen table was set for two. “Oh Rose,” he said, “I didn’t realize you were having a guest for dinner. I will scoot out.”


She put her hand on his arm, stopping him and told him she always set two places at her table ever since her husband died over 30 years earlier. Mike assumed the second place setting was to remind her of her late husband and he commented about how sweet it was that she remembered him in that way. Rose quickly corrected my friend saying, “Oh, no. I set a place at my table every evening for Jesus. I sit with Him, listen to Him and expect Him to be with me. This is my way of showing Him.”

Why You Are Too Busy NOT to Rest

This week has been one of those weeks. Maybe it’s one of those weeks for you, too. You know, one of those weeks where starting the day can feel like stepping on a treadmill of a never ending to-do list. Around and around you go, and progress seems like a distant concept! It’s tiring, right? To always be working on something, always conquering the next task… always doing… is exhausting! Any other tired sisters out there?


Benjamin Franklin once said, “He who can take rest is greater than he that can take cities.” Hmm. Taking a rest is greater than taking cities? 

What I Wish I’d Known Before I Wrote My First Book

Can I be honest?  Twelve years ago, my Dr. Phil and I were searching for answers on how to write and publish a book. We were clueless. We did the best we could – we attended writing conferences, talked with author friends, read books, and scoured the Internet. God opened doors and my first book, Lessons I Learned in the Dark was published in 2002. Hallelujah.

The biggest challenge was pulling together bits and pieces to make sense of it all. If you’ve felt the same way, I want to tell you about a resource from my long-time friend Michael Hyatt.   As my Dr. Phil stated in his endorsement, and I agree, “We wish we would have had this 12 years ago.”

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