Can I Juggle a Lot and Accomplish What Matters Most? With Crystal Paine [Episode 247]

Juggle Lots Accomplish Matters Most Crystal Paine

Exhausted. Burned out. Stressed. Overwhelmed. Many of us try to fit our lengthy to-do lists into our already-packed schedules but simply run out of time. It seems the only solution is to add more hours to the day—if only that were possible.

But what if we didn’t need more time? What if we chose to spend our time differently?

Can I Overcome What Overwhelms Me? With Trina McNeilly [Episode 197]

Overcome Things Overwhelm Trina McNeilly

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “unclutter”? Is it your house? Well today, you’ll learn to unclutter something far more important … your soul. And just like your house, sometimes we need to get in there, sort through it, and toss the things that weigh us down.

Author Trina McNeilly joins me on the podcast and invites you to take a closer look at where the home really is—your soul—where the throes of life leave us feeling anxious and overwhelmed. She’ll share how uncluttering your life from the inside out leads to freedom as you create more space for peace and joy.