Can I Fight Shame With the Word of God? With Scarlet Hiltibidal [Episode 307]

Fight Shame Word of God Scarlet Hiltibidal

You have the best weapon against shame … the Word of God. So today, author Scarlet Hiltibidal is back on the 4:13 to help you move beyond shame to the joy-inducing, peace-producing thrill that comes from a relationship with Jesus.

Scarlet will expose the sources of shame, give you scriptural strategies to combat them, and help you live in the light and victory of God’s Word. She’ll also explain the connection between shame and humility, helping you discover the deep, freeing truth that being undone is the right place to start.

Can I Let Go When I’m Tired of Trying? With Ashley Morgan Jackson [Episode 280]

Let Go Tired Trying Ashley Morgan Jackson

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book Tired of Trying by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

What do you do when your faith doesn’t seem to be “working” anymore? You’ve said all the right things, done all the right things, and nothing seems to make it better. Perhaps you’re even tempted to give up on God because things haven’t turned out the way you expected.

Well, my friend, that’s when today’s guest, Ashley Morgan Jackson, invites us to wrestle with God and face Him in our greatest disappointments, pains, and unanswered questions.

You Messed Up Today? Good!

You messed up today? Good! Me too! Too often those slips up and “wish-I-didn’t-do-that” moments can send us down a spiral of thinking that makes us wonder if we’re enough. Am I cute enough? Am I thin enough? Am I successful enough? It’s all in a quest to know if I’m… enough.


Those questions are way too familiar to me. How about you? I have too much pride to ask them out loud, but believe me… I ask them silently to myself all the time.

Why is that?