Can I Fight Shame With the Word of God? With Scarlet Hiltibidal [Episode 307]

Fight Shame Word of God Scarlet Hiltibidal

You have the best weapon against shame … the Word of God. So today, author Scarlet Hiltibidal is back on the 4:13 to help you move beyond shame to the joy-inducing, peace-producing thrill that comes from a relationship with Jesus.

Scarlet will expose the sources of shame, give you scriptural strategies to combat them, and help you live in the light and victory of God’s Word. She’ll also explain the connection between shame and humility, helping you discover the deep, freeing truth that being undone is the right place to start.

Can I Survive the End of the World As I Know It? With Amy Lively [Episode 296]

Survive World End Amy Lively

“How could this happen?” “What do I do now?” “This is not what I wanted for my life.”

When your life is turned upside down and you realize it’s the end of your hopes and dreams, your plans and ambitions, and what you thought life would be like … it can seem like the end of the world. Or at least the world as you know it.

Whether it’s a personal crisis, national chaos, or global catastrophe, it can feel like all hope is lost. But, my friend, hope is not lost!