Can I Meet Healthy Needs in Healthy Ways? With Tommy Brown [Episode 285]

Meet Healthy Needs Healthy Ways Tommy Brown

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book The Ache for Meaning by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

Deep within each of us is a longing for acceptance, significance, and provision. Essentially, we’re all asking the same fundamental questions, “Will I have enough? Am I enough? And do I matter?”

Well, here’s something really cool…

The answers to all three questions can be found in the temptations of Christ. And today on the 4:13, Pastor Tommy Brown will pull back the curtain on Christ’s temptations to reveal how they represent your greatest needs.

Can I Find Purpose in My Next Season of Life? With Shayne Moore and Carolyn Castleberry Hux [Episode 220]

Purpose Next Season Life Shayne Moore Carolyn Castleberry Hux

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book Women at Halftime by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

Are you feeling aimless or confused as you face a new season of life? Well, if that’s you, it’s time to start dreaming again. You’re about to find a new source of energy, significance, and joy for your next season.

When You’re Feeling Small

We boarded the ship, plopped our bags in the cabin and raced out to the balcony. There I stood, leaning against the sea salt-dusted rail with my 2 BFF’s Joan and Paula. The breeze was magnificent and the fragrance of the fresh sea air was invigorating. We just stood there silently, breathing out the stress of life and inhaling the peace that only the ocean brings. We didn’t say a word until Paula spoke.


“I love the ocean because it ‘rights’ me.” She captured just how I felt with those simple words.  The ocean does seem to “right” us — it puts us in our right place, doesn’t it? It reminded me of what David wrote; “When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers; the moon and the stars, which you have ordained; what is man that you take thought of him and the son of man that you care for him?”  (Psalm 8: 3-4)