Can I Detox Stress Through Biblical Mindfulness? With Bonnie Gray [Episode 269]

Detox Stress Biblical Mindfulness Bonnie Gray

Why is it so hard to rest and refresh when we’re stressed? Well, today on the 4:13, author and podcaster Bonnie Gray answers that question with both scientific and Scripture-based insights into your body, mind, and soul.

As we talk about her book, Breathe: 21 Days to Stress Less and Transform Chaos to Calm, she’ll teach you what biblical mindfulness is and how it’s the key to breaking free from worry and anxiety.

Can I Juggle a Lot and Accomplish What Matters Most? With Crystal Paine [Episode 247]

Juggle Lots Accomplish Matters Most Crystal Paine

Exhausted. Burned out. Stressed. Overwhelmed. Many of us try to fit our lengthy to-do lists into our already-packed schedules but simply run out of time. It seems the only solution is to add more hours to the day—if only that were possible.

But what if we didn’t need more time? What if we chose to spend our time differently?

How to Know If Your Brain Has Too Many Windows Open — and 2 Ways to Fix It

“I need the uh, um, I mean I found the… uh, what is wrong with me?! Why can’t I remember what I was going to say and why I came in this room to say it?” My husband just chuckled because he’s used to this by now.

But, I am not used to this yet! I feel like my brain goes in slow motion and words have to be coaxed out of me like a reluctant puppy when the car parks at the vet.

Is this a symptom of aging? Or maybe it’s just the result of an overworked brain? I just can’t multi-task like I used to!