Can I Turn My Setbacks Into Steps Forward? With Dr. Gregory Jantz [Episode 292]

Turn Setbacks Steps Forward Dr. Gregory Jantz

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book Why Failure Is Never Final by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

Most of us grow up thinking failure is bad. And, let’s face it, it never feels good! Failure—and all the bad feelings that go with it—are real, like unemployment, bankruptcy, and divorce, just to name a few.

Over time though, we might stop thinking we’ve failed at something and instead start believing we are failures.

But the truth is, if we’re willing to venture anything at all, we are going to fail. The question is, how will we view our failures―and what will we do with them?

Can I Unleash My Inner Donkey? Really! With Rachel Anne Ridge [Episode 263]

Unleash Inner Donkey Rachel Anne Ridge

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book The Donkey Principle by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

Today we are going to embrace our inner donkey. Yep, you read that correctly! So many of us feel like donkeys in a world that celebrates racehorses. You know, the shiny and flashy success stories that make us question our own worth and abilities.

But life isn’t about competing for gold medals. It’s about discovering our own mettle, or understanding our unique strengths and using them to mine all the gold that God already put within us.

Can I Work His Way? With Michelle Myers and Somer Phoebus [Episode 204]

Work His Way Michelle Myers and Somer Phoebus

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book She Works His Way by this week’s podcast guests. Keep reading to find out how!

Culture is always trying to convince you that “life balance” is possible. Everything you see is pushing the narrative that you can put equal work into a career, family, friends, faith, and self-care. But what if life isn’t about balancing all the things you do, but about doing what matters most?

Today, you’ll get a practical guide for doing what matters most in a get-things-done world. Authors Michelle Myers and Somer Phoebus open the door to a countercultural, gospel-centered conversation about the intersection of modern womanhood and work.

Can I Accept That God Loves This Hot Mess? With Jo Dee Messina [Part 2] [Episode 160]

Accept God Loves Hot Mess Jo Dee Messina

We’re picking up where we left off last week with Jo Dee Messina. It was the first part of a two-part conversation that continues right now!

If you missed it, don’t worry! You can go back and listen to it here.

Last week, I talked to Jo Dee about her life’s journey through country music and coming to faith in Christ. Now, we’re talking about songs and song writing.

Can I Accept That God Loves This Hot Mess? With Jo Dee Messina [Part 1] [Episode 159]

Accept God Loves Hot Mess Jo Dee Messina

Singer-songwriter Jo Dee Messina took country music by storm with her breakout hit, “Heads Carolina, Tails California,” and today, she’ll take you backstage—into her heart.

This conversation was so rich and deep that I broke it in half so you can take it all in.

In this first episode, Jo Dee shares her story of growing up as a latchkey kid in Boston, getting into country music, grappling with the longing for more, and finding that longing met in Christ.