Can I Tune Into Eternity Even Now? With Amy Baik Lee [Episode 309]

tune eternity now Amy Baik Lee

Think about the way you feel when you see a sunset. Or think about other moments of beauty and peace that capture your heart—moments you sense are offering you a hint of Heaven. And what about the longing you feel when you experience homesickness or nostalgia?

It’s true these moments are meant to point you to eternity, but what if they could do more? What if they could help you live more fully on the way there?

Eavesdropping. #Guilty

Okay, I don’t mean to do it. Really. I just can’t help it.

It’s not because I am nosey that I eavesdrop … it’s because I’m blind! I can’t help that I hear really, really well.


Seriously, don’t whisper around me. My ears will hone in on whatever you are hoping I won’t hear. If you’re in a coffee shop at the table next to me, you better keep your voice down or you just may turn up in one of my blogs … just like this guy did.