Can I Work His Way? With Michelle Myers and Somer Phoebus [Episode 204]

Work His Way Michelle Myers and Somer Phoebus

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book She Works His Way by this week’s podcast guests. Keep reading to find out how!

Culture is always trying to convince you that “life balance” is possible. Everything you see is pushing the narrative that you can put equal work into a career, family, friends, faith, and self-care. But what if life isn’t about balancing all the things you do, but about doing what matters most?

Today, you’ll get a practical guide for doing what matters most in a get-things-done world. Authors Michelle Myers and Somer Phoebus open the door to a countercultural, gospel-centered conversation about the intersection of modern womanhood and work.

Ending the Struggle to Juggle

Oh girl, we all have felt it, right? The struggle to do it all, get it all done, and not be totally undone in the process! Working moms, empty nesters, single women, and stay-at-home moms all deal with the struggle to juggle! And that struggle can leave us worn out and frustrated.