Flip the Mic: Jennifer Gives the Inside Scoop on Amos

Flip Mic Inside Scoop Amos

Today the microphone has been flipped around in the podcast closet. Instead of me asking the questions and interviewing a special guest, I’m going to be the one who’s interviewed. Doesn’t that sound fun?

My good friend and co-host in the Bible Study Bistro Facebook Group, Paula Voris, joins me on the podcast and asks all kinds of questions about what we can learn from the Old Testament book of Amos. That’s because I have just spent the past year studying Amos while writing my new Bible study, Amos: An Invitation to the Good Life.

Can I Pray Like Amos? [Episode 206]

Pray Like Amos

Is it just me, or are you sometimes not quite sure how to pray? Well, I found something in the ancient Old Testament book of Amos that gives a great framework for how to pray, and you are going to love it.

Today you’ll learn three ways to pray that will boost your confidence, draw you closer to God, and guarantee that God hears you. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness when it comes to praying as we ought. And, since Jesus is interceding for us at the right hand of the Father (Romans 8:34), we, like Amos, can intercede for others.

The Good Life: My Happy Place, Oxford, England

Amos Good Life Episode Happy Place Oxford England

This is another Good Life episode where I share with you moments in time that make me smile—moments from my good life!

That’s because I’m celebrating the release of my new Bible study, Amos: An Invitation to the Good Life (Lifeway, August 15, 2022), and I wanted you to see that life is … good!

So today, I’m taking you with me to my happy place, Oxford, England!

Can I Be a Humble Woman and Still Be Strong? [Episode 205]

Humble Woman Still Strong Amos Cows of Bashan

Today we’re going to talk about cows. Yes, cows! And more specifically, today you’ll learn how Scripture uses cows to teach us about humility! Are you ready for this?

You’ll appreciate this conversation about humility because it’s a spiritual superpower that we just don’t talk about enough. And often it’s because we don’t understand it.

We may think if we’re humble, then we’ll be walked on or overlooked. But humility is not just an attribute or an attitude, it’s an action—a powerful and profound force that can change you and the world around you.

The Good Life: My Epic Road Trip in a Camper

Amos Good Life Episode Epic Road Trip Camper

I’m inviting you into my good life with another one of my Good Life episodes.

By the way, if you didn’t hear me singing with Lionel Richie on one of the past Good Life episodes, be sure to check that out too!

These Good Life episodes are my way of celebrating the release of my new Bible study, Amos: An Invitation to the Good Life (Lifeway, August 15, 2022). And this time, I thought I’d take you on an epic road trip with my family.

The Good Life: Singing With Lionel Richie

Amos Good Life Episode Lionel Richie

To celebrate the upcoming release of my latest Bible study, Amos: An Invitation to the Good Life (Lifeway, August 15, 2022), I’ve put together some BONUS episodes just for fun! I’m calling them “Good Life Episodes” because—as you’ll learn in the study—the book of Amos is inviting you to the God life, and the God life is the good life.

So, in these Good Life Episodes, I’m sharing with you some things that make my life good. And one of the things that makes my life very good is Lionel Richie!