Can I Be Okay With God’s Ways When They Don’t Make Sense? With Taylor Turkington [Episode 271]

Okay God's Ways Don't Make Sense Taylor Turkington

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book Trembling Faith by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

Sometimes we can become overwhelmed with all of the brokenness in our world, right? Chaos, injustice, and corruption surround us, powerful people take advantage of the weak, and societies overlook or mistreat those who desperately need help.

As people who trust in an all-powerful God, we might ask, “God, aren’t you going to help?” or “God, why are you allowing this to happen?”

Can I Trust God’s Timing? With Laurie Polich Short [Episode 270]

Trust God's Timing Laurie Polich Short

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book Faith, Doubt, and God’s Mysterious Timing by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

Sometimes God‘s timing just does not make sense to us. When hard situations last way too long and our deepest prayers seem to go unanswered, we often wonder, “What is God doing?”

But thankfully, the Bible is full of people who have experienced the same thing. They had to learn to trust God‘s ways and His timing, and their stories can help us trust God too.

Can I Detox Stress Through Biblical Mindfulness? With Bonnie Gray [Episode 269]

Detox Stress Biblical Mindfulness Bonnie Gray

Why is it so hard to rest and refresh when we’re stressed? Well, today on the 4:13, author and podcaster Bonnie Gray answers that question with both scientific and Scripture-based insights into your body, mind, and soul.

As we talk about her book, Breathe: 21 Days to Stress Less and Transform Chaos to Calm, she’ll teach you what biblical mindfulness is and how it’s the key to breaking free from worry and anxiety.

Can I Pray Scripture Over My Marriage? With Jodie Berndt [Episode 268]

Pray Scripture Marriage Jodie Berndt

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book Praying the Scriptures for Your Marriage by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

Do you ever pray for your spouse? What about praying with your spouse?

Well, Jodie Berndt is back on the 4:13 today, and she shares how prayer is a simple way to infuse power into your marriage.

Whether you choose to pray individually or together with your spouse, you’ll discover the peace, provision, and joy that comes from trusting God with your most important relationship.

Spill the Beans LIVE with My Crazy Friends at Fresh Grounded Faith Fort Worth, TX [Episode 267]

spill beans fort worth texas annie f. downs tammy trent shaun groves

What do you get when you put me, Annie F. Downs, Tammy Trent, and Shaun Groves together at a bistro table in Texas? You get the craziest, most fun, deep, and inspiring conversation ever!

These crazy friends joined me in Fort Worth for a Fresh Grounded Faith event, and at the end of the conference, we got to be both silly and serious as we answered questions from the audience.

We talked about how to deal with loneliness, how to let go of hurts and disappointments, and how to find fulfillment in the monotony of everyday life.

Can I Shake the Shame That’s Constantly Piled On? With Jasmine Holmes [Episode 266]

Shake Shame Jasmine Holmes

According to the Scientific American, women are twice as likely as men to experience shame and are more affected by its toxic impact. Just as Adam and Eve hid in the garden and covered themselves with fig leaves, we too are inclined to hide under the cloak of shame.

But unlike Adam and Eve, our feelings of shame don’t necessarily mean we’ve done something wrong. Often it means we’ve begun to believe lies about our identity.

So today’s guest, author and podcaster Jasmine Holmes, will expose shame’s slimy roots and help you understand the difference between shame, guilt, and conviction.