God’s Power Showed Up – FGF Highlights, Buffalo, NY

Have you ever been to Niagara Falls? Oh, there is no place where I feel the sheer, unstoppable power of God like I do standing by the Horseshoe Falls. It roars with such intensity. In fact, the peak flow of water there was recorded at 6,004 cubic meters per second. Girl, we can’t even think that fast!

God’s Power Showed Up – FGF Highlights, Buffalo, NY jpg

Thank you to Ashley Thompson for the beautiful photos. To see the entire Facebook photo album, click here. For those of you who joined the photo booth fun, you can view your photos here.

Yet, I will tell you this … the power of God at the Buffalo Fresh Grounded Faith event was also absolutely amazing!

Unified Women of God — FGF Highlights, Springfield, IL

Oh girls. What a weekend! These past several weeks have been such a whirlwind, but wow. Last weekend we were in Springfield, IL for Fresh Grounded Faith, and those ladies? So sweet, so unified, so ready to step in and step up and serve and worship. Such a blessing!


I can’t say it enough, and especially after all the election stuff, it was so refreshing to witness these women come together in unity for one purpose.

Beautiful God, Beautiful Women – FGF Highlights, Evansville, IN

“Perfectionism kills skill.” Those were the wise words of Ann Voskamp during Spill the Beans at Fresh Grounded Faith, Evansville this past weekend. What truth that woman spoke! She shared earlier that morning about how we as women can use measuring sticks as weapons that hurt ourselves and hurt each other. But, of course, because she is such a wordsmith, she said it a lot better than I just did!

PicMonkey Collage

Click here for the complete photo album. Thank you, Jillian Taylor and Linda Scott, for the wonderful photos!

If You Have Been Looking for a Sign …

Today I welcome a guest post from my dear, dear friend Ann Voskamp, the farm girl. There’s such a humble and pure beauty about Ann that shines from her inner spirit. Ann Voskamp is a farmer’s wife, the home-educating mama to a half-dozen kids, and author of One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are, a New York Times 60 week bestseller and her newest release, The Greatest Gift: Unwrapping the Full Love Story of Christmas. In her blog, www.aholyexperience.com, Ann writes for the weary and soul-thirsty seeking the quiet grace of our Giver. I am exceptionally thrilled to have her joining us in my hometown at our Fresh Grounded Faith event in November.

When I find out what a teenager’s done, I’d like to ring one slender neck.

Dirt rings the mudroom sink like nasty vandalism. To-do lists keep scrawling ugly, longer and longer. I can’t find my watch. The bathroom mirror is splattered and smudged. The weather forecast makes it impossible to know if we should plant our next field or wait till the next rain or what to do.

We watch the sky for a sign.

We pray, we pray these begging prayers.