Blue Flower Moments – Audio Pictures [BONUS]

Blue Flower Moments Audio Pictures

Have you ever experienced a “blue flower moment?” Not likely, right? That’s not a phrase you hear every day!

Well, after listening to this very special BONUS episode of the 4:13, you’ll not only recall the blue flower moments you’ve already experienced, you’ll also be able to recognize them all the time.

But first, let me explain what a blue flower moment is…

Can I Tune Into Eternity Even Now? With Amy Baik Lee [Episode 309]

tune eternity now Amy Baik Lee

Think about the way you feel when you see a sunset. Or think about other moments of beauty and peace that capture your heart—moments you sense are offering you a hint of Heaven. And what about the longing you feel when you experience homesickness or nostalgia?

It’s true these moments are meant to point you to eternity, but what if they could do more? What if they could help you live more fully on the way there?

Can I Love Myself Unconditionally? With Melissa Johnson [Episode 291]

love myself unconditionally Melissa Johnson

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book Soul-Deep Beauty by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

According to a survey, 97% of women have “at least one ‘I hate my body’ moment” in a day. That’s a staggering statistic!

Well, sadly, the beauty and diet industry just loves that! In fact, many corporations work hard to create those moments so you’ll buy their books or products or lies.

But what if we rejected their lies and the false beauty narrative that exists in our culture? What if we embraced the truth about what God says about us and could break free from self-scrutiny and judgment?

Can I See Beauty in the Brokenness of Mental Illness? With Sarah Clarkson [Episode 158]

See Beauty Brokenness Mental Illness Sarah Clarkson

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book This Beautiful Truth by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

We live in a broken world, don’t we? Amid the daily realities of sickness and isolation, disappointment and pain, it can be really hard to grasp the true goodness of God.

But this is where God breaks into our pain in a tangible way, teaching us to trust His kindness and hope for His healing.

Girl, You Sparkle! How to Look Radiant

He seemed like such a sweet guy, but it got kind of awkward when he came to our table five different times to tell us we glowed.

Yes, glowed. He said we glowed.


He was our server and as he handed us our menus, he paused, cleared his throat and acted like he had just been struck by lightning! “I just have to stop and tell you that you glow. If nobody has ever told you, I am telling you now, you have this glow about you.”

Now, if Moses had been sitting there with us at lunch, the server’s obsession with our glow would have made more sense. (Exodus 34:29-35) But, it was just us! My friend Callen and I giggled but he interrupted and told us he was totally serious.

Jesus Wants the Rose

Recently I heard a story from Matt Chandler, when he shared an encounter he had during college, and I would love to share it with you. He tells the story of when he had gathered in a Christian conference with a thousand other students. The speaker stood to begin his message, but before doing so, he pulled out a beautiful rose. He said something like, “as I share with you, I want you to pass this rose around. Everybody touch it, feel the texture of the petals, and smell it.”