I Need Jesus More Than Coffee

My daughter-in-law Caroline and I travel together, and when we’re in the airport, we’ll do about anything to make it to Starbucks during our layovers. As you can imagine, we can be quite the pair with all our luggage and coffee – not to mention the fact that I’m blind!

The other day she mentioned something that stood out to me. She said “I need Jesus more than coffee.” So simple, yet so true. She wrote this post when she was in graduate school last year, and I thought you all would love it.

I need Jesus

Waiting for my coffee to finish brewing made me late to class. I did a clumsy dance all the way there as I attempted to hold all my books along with the piping hot (and dangerous) cup of coffee; the price was darn high to get that cup of coffee into my 8 AM class.  

But, it was worth it. No doubt. I knew that if I didn’t have it, I’d stumble through the day, a cloud would hang low over my day.

Coffee starts my day; I offer it to friends when they come over. I treat myself to coffee when I study or simply when I want a treat.  I need it; I enjoy it. It’s a faithful friend.

But, I need Jesus more than coffee.

I Want To Eat My Face [Video]

After 3 weeks abroad in all sorts of climates, my face felt like a dry, saggy piece of leather!  Okay, okay, maybe not that bad, but trust me … gravity and sun did a number on my face. So, I decided to make my own facial mask and see if I could lift, tone and moisturize it back into shape!

How to Make Your Coffee Taste Even Better?

Attention coffee drinkers and those who love them:

Okay all you coffee lovers, I have a great tip for you today. I learned recently how to freshen up your coffee grounds to make a magnificent cup of Joe (if I do say so myself!)

My friend Angela learned from her friend Brandy that when you buy coffee that’s already ground, you should grind it again! Now, that’s a mouth full!