Can I Get Clear on What God Created Me To Do? With Heather MacFadyen [Episode 274]

Clear God Created Calling Heather MacFadyen

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book Right Where You Belong by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

Studies show that the average adult makes about 122 decisions a day. Lots of those decisions are small, of course, but not all of them. Some of our decisions can change the trajectory of our lives.

So, how do you know those important decisions landed you in the right place in life?

3 Scriptures to Pray When You Just Don’t Know What to Do

Life offers us lots of questions and very few answers. It sets before us many paths, but very few reliable directions about which path is the best for us.


We are bombarded with decisions — should I take this job? Should I quit this job?! We have endless choices — is this the college for me? Is this the guy for me? Is this the church where God wants me to be?

How to Bless the Lord with Your Soul

Okay, my husband has officially been told that his jokes are “Dad Jokes.”

Do you know what that means? Well, if you have a teenager, you probably do.
Dad jokes are well… how shall I put it? Dumb. Yep, they’re just flat out dumb. And, my husband has taken “dad jokes” to an all new, Olympic-sized level.