Can I Overcome Sadness? [Episode 305]

overcome sadness summer sizzle

We’ve been doing a Summer Sizzle around here, which means for the past four weeks, we’ve enjoyed four of the hottest, most shared episodes on the 4:13. And for our final week, we’re taking you back to Episode 40: “Can I Overcome Sadness?”

Because we all find ourselves down in the dumps sometimes, don’t we? And there’s no quick fix for it—it’s not like you can prevent it or talk yourself out of it when it hits. So what do you do when you are just plain sad?

It’s Time to Drop the Pose of Perfection

My girlfriends Joan and Paula came over last week to work out with me, wanting to try out a new walking exercise routine. I greeted them at the door with my knees wrapped in Ace Bandages, Advil bottle in hand — and this was before the workout even started. I also sprayed water on myself to make it look like it made me sweat just thinking about a work out.
Jen work out 2
You know what I was? A poser.