Are You Overwhelmed? Talking Life and Leadership with Jennifer and Denise [FB Live Video]

Let’s face it- as women we are often overwhelmed, right? And if you’re a woman in ministry, life can feel even more overwhelming! Jennifer and Denise talked about ways to overcome those overwhelming feelings on FB Live today. If you missed it on the Facebook page, you can watch it here:

My Husband is a Facebook Stalker

He found her! When I heard her read God is Just Not Fair on audio I was blown away! I told Phil, “She read my book exactly how I would have read it if I could see to read!”

My husband was a Facebook stalker for me.

audio edition of book

True confession: I am that author. I am the author who buys her own book because she cannot wait to get it in the mail from the publisher! Ha! Actually, it’s because I am such a big listener that when I found my own audiobook on Audible, I just had to get it! Goofy, I know.