Can I Learn to Read Scripture Accurately? With Rebecca McLaughlin [Episode 275]

Learn Read Scripture Accurately Rebecca McLaughlin

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book Navigating Gospel Truth by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

As Christians, we want to rightly handle the word of truth, don’t we? We need to be a people who read, study, and understand Scripture accurately, and the good news is… we can!

Today’s guest is author Rebecca McLaughlin, and she’ll not only give you good information on how to do just that, but also tons of inspiration so you will want to.

Can I Shake the Shame That’s Constantly Piled On? With Jasmine Holmes [Episode 266]

Shake Shame Jasmine Holmes

According to the Scientific American, women are twice as likely as men to experience shame and are more affected by its toxic impact. Just as Adam and Eve hid in the garden and covered themselves with fig leaves, we too are inclined to hide under the cloak of shame.

But unlike Adam and Eve, our feelings of shame don’t necessarily mean we’ve done something wrong. Often it means we’ve begun to believe lies about our identity.

So today’s guest, author and podcaster Jasmine Holmes, will expose shame’s slimy roots and help you understand the difference between shame, guilt, and conviction.

How to Respond to the Grown-Up Mean Girl

Mean girls grow up. It sure would be nice if all those years of living would make a mean girl a gentler woman, but sometimes, the mean girl just grows into a mean woman. I know this because I got an email from one of them. I never met her and she doesn’t know me, but after she read my bio from my website, she felt the need to give me the what for!


And, can I be honest? I felt the same need. Let me give you an excerpt of her note to me and then, I’ll give you my response. My response may help you the next time you deal with a mean girl who grew up without maturing.

Noel Is There Somewhere

I had just unswaddled — is that a word?!?! — all the members of the nativity set. They were each wrapped in crinkled tissue paper… all crammed together in a box from the past year.   As I unpacked, I found a wise man’s foot jammed into a shepherd’s nose; Mary’s veiled head shoved under Joseph’s arm pit; a camel’s hoof wedged into a lamb’s mouth!

It was funny to think that this motley crew coming out of my Rubbermaid tub was about to stand tall on my mantel!
