Are you ever afraid to be vulnerable about your struggles because you worry that if you do, you’ll be identified by them?
Oh, girl, sometimes I’ve felt that way.
Are you ever afraid to be vulnerable about your struggles because you worry that if you do, you’ll be identified by them?
Oh, girl, sometimes I’ve felt that way.
Can you be brave even when deep down you feel like a fraidy-cat?
You sure can!
Now, you might assume that one of the fringe benefits of blindness is that I can’t tell when I’m having a bad hair day. Not so! I don’t have to see my hair in the mirror to know that it looks ugly—I can feel it!
And, as I was preparing to speak at a local women’s event one day, I was feeling it! I knew my hair looked bad.
Do you ever wonder if God has dropped the pen and stopped writing your life story? You know, when your life doesn’t happen like you wanted or seems less important or interesting than someone else’s life, you can question what God is up to. My friend, author Ashleigh Slater knows exactly how that feels and that’s why I’ve asked her to join us for Java today.
So, if you, like me, battle the tendency and temptation to compare your story with others’ stories, you’ll really benefit from these three truths Ashleigh reminds us to be purposeful to tell ourselves. I just love this and I know you will too.
Pour your coffee and settle in. Take it away Ashleigh!
“No matter what happens today,” I gently reminded my two daughters, “God is writing your individual stories, and you can trust Him.”
Both girls were about to audition in New York City for the national tour of a Tony-Award winning musical. It was an audition we’d spent weeks preparing for—not only vocally, but also emotionally.
Today I’m welcoming my friend, Wendy Blight, to have coffee with us and share from her new Bible study on 1 John, I Am Loved: Walking in the Fullness of God’s Love. Plus, she’s giving away a copy to one of you wonderful women below! See why I love her? You will too, sister, so get ready, get set, and let’s go … let’s learn how to live loved.
In 1 John 3:16, John tells us to love one another.
Easy to say, but, oh, so hard to do.
Yet God clearly calls us to this. Why?
Because God knows there are people in this world who’ll never walk through the doors of a church, join a neighborhood Bible study, or attend a Christian conference. But, they will encounter His people, women like you and me. And through us, they’ll experience God’s love. His beautiful, pure, unconditional love.
“If you’re struggling with anxious thoughts, your Savior sees you.” That’s what my friend Suzie said, and I said, “Yes! Tell me more!”
And, she did. So, I invited her to coffee today because I want — need — to hear her encouragement and I know you do too. We can all let worry lead us to all the wrong places. So today, let’s put the worry behind us and the hope of Jesus before us – it will lead us to the peace we all need!
Pour your coffee, and I’ve saved you a seat, so pull up a chair. Lean back, relax — we’ll let Suzie Eller do the talking!
I wanted to make it all okay.
The problem is that it wasn’t okay.
I was doing all that I knew to do, and it wasn’t working. We were fighting together as a family, yet there was no formula. There was no set pattern to success. There wasn’t an “I’m out of here” option, because it was someone we loved.
One morning I tried to pray, but I couldn’t sit still long enough. My legs matched my anxious thoughts as I paced the carpet.
Jesus, help me.