![vintage-books-stacked ([image by Maegan Tintari])](https://www.jenniferrothschild.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/vintage-books-stacked-image-by-Maegan-Tintari.jpg)
If you know me at all, you’d expect a list of five entries, each C.S. Lewis! He is definitely my hands-down favorite author. I have grown so much from his books, both fiction and non.
But, there’s still room in my heart and on my bookshelf for others. We should all choose our books like we choose our friends – wisely. So here’s a list of my top five favorite dead authors and my favorite book from each of them. Well actually, every book Lewis wrote is my favorite, so I picked just one of his (one you may not expect!).
As author Franz Kafka wrote, “A book should serve as an axe for the frozen sea within.”
So, choose an axe and get chopping!