No Mom-of-the-Year Award for Me

There’s something about routine that brings me comfort. I know what to expect and what each new day will bring.

But, there’s also something about routine – about the dailiness of life – that can make me feel stuck.

I start to feel trapped in my very own life.

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Have you ever felt swallowed up in the dailiness of your life — doing the same old chores and tasks over and over and over again?

Three Traits of a Great Mom

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, I started thinking about what makes a great mom.

I decided there are 3 B’s.

Now, B could stand for “brainy,” and that would be a great quality for a mom. Or, it could begin the word “beautiful,” and who among us wouldn’t want that adjective describing us? The B could also stand for “buoyant” or “bouncy.” It could begin the words “brilliant” or “bargain-busting-babe.”


But I thought about my own mother and, even though many of the above adjectives describe her, there were still three more B’s she possesses that I hope will describe me as I grow as a mom.