Can I Drop the Good Mom Myth? With Alli Worthington [Episode 288]

Drop Good Mom Myth Alli Worthington

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book Remaining You While Raising Them by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

Raising kids who are spiritually, emotionally, and physically healthy is what every parent wants, right? But when everyone else seems to be doing it better than we are, it leaves us full of doubt and worry: “Am I doing it right?” “Is what I’ve done enough?” “Is it my fault they’re struggling?”

In comes the mom guilt, mom shame, and mom burnout, which can show up whether you’re surrounded by toddlers or teens, or are many years into sitting on an empty nest.

Can I Overcome Mom Fatigue? With Hannah Keeley [Episode 258]

Overcome Mom Fatigue Hannah Keeley

Mom Fatigue Syndrome. It’s real, it’s pervasive, and it creeps into every facet of a mom’s life leading to overwhelm, exhaustion, anxiety, and feeling like you’re stuck in a big, fat fog—a Mom Fog.

But in trying to get unstuck, moms frequently use methods and techniques that don’t work with the way their brain is wired. They begin to blame themselves, perpetuating the problem, and end up with no energy, no joy, and no motivation to make things better.

Spill the Beans LIVE with Kelly Minter at Fresh Grounded Faith College Station, TX [Episode 239]

Spill Beans Fresh Grounded Faith College Station Texas Kelly Minter Michael O'Brien

Get ready, sister, because we are spilling some fantastic beans today! This was captured LIVE in College Station, Texas at a Fresh Grounded Faith conference featuring Bible teacher Kelly Minter and singer-songwriter Michael O’Brien.

Kelly shares the unlikely Bible character she most relates to, and then both Kelly and Michael reveal their (very funny) most embarrassing moments. We’ll also give some helpful advice to moms of teenage sons, and you’ll learn how to take a “fiction vacation.”

Can I Choose Community Over Self Reliance? With Heather MacFadyen [Episode 191]

Choose Community Over Self Reliance Heather MacFadyen

We need each other! None of us are designed to do this life alone … without support, without community. But sometimes we just don’t know how to get over our self-reliance and get honest with others.

So, today on the 4:13 Podcast, we’re going to learn from author and podcast host, Heather MacFadyen, about how to not mom alone. But her insight isn’t just for moms! This applies to whoever you are and whatever you do.

Hope for the Not So Strong-Willed Mom

I answered the phone one Friday in May, just six days before school was out, and heard my tenth grade son’s history teacher say,

“Mrs.  Rothschild.” (It’s never a good sign when a phone call begins with Mrs.) “Your son, Clayton, has a 69 in my class. He’s so bright and I know he can do better… I thought you could encourage him.”

Oh, yes. I was ready to “encourage” him!


I was upset, panicked, and feeling guilty that I hadn’t been more alert. I was a mixed up mess of emotions.

What Are You Teaching Your Child About God?

The first words from a first born baby are just the best, aren’t they?

Our first child’s first word was… wait for it… wait for it… ball!

Yep, not original, but, girl, I wrote it down in the baby book, called my mom and was so excited I could have started a blog dedicated to his brilliance.
Then, he added words, but only a few. He called my husband “Dadda” and he could also say “up” when he wanted out of his crib.