The One Thing Every Mom Needs to Know

“I thought I had the parenting formula down.”

That was what my friend said as she described her kids’ behavior and attitudes.


For years, all their little bright faces, great attitudes, and constant successes were what she had always hoped for and then… what happened?

A Promise for Moms Watching A Child Suffer

Over the years, lots of stories have been written about my journey into blindness. After a particular magazine interview, I dialed the phone. “Mom, I just finished an interview and I really think the writer is going to do a good job. I think you will like the article.” I continued, “And, Mom, she asked if she could interview you. She only has a few questions and I wondered if you could?”


My mom hesitated. Her response taught me so much about God’s grace.

Spectator Grace

Over the years, lots of stories about my journey into blindness have been written. After a particular magazine interview, I dialed the phone. “Mom, I just finished an interview and I really think the writer is going to do a good job. I think you will like the article.”

I continued. “And, Mom, she asked if she could interview you. She only has a few questions and I wondered if you could?”

My mom hesitated. Her response taught me so much about God’s grace.