How to Interview Your Soul

Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul? Why are you crying the blues?
(Psalm 42:5 MSG)

Have you ever asked your soul questions like that? Why are you in despair? Why so down, so negative, so anxious?

How to Interview Your soul image

If you’ve never done that, now would be a good time to start. Grab a cup of coffee, take a seat at your kitchen table, and have an interview with your soul.

3 Things You See When You Look Up

There’s plenty about life that can keep us looking down. And there’s an awful lot we deal with that makes us look around, trying to find something better. But we, as women of God, can have hope all the time, no matter what! When we have hope, we are always looking up – not looking down, and not looking around for something different.

I want to be a woman who looks up, and I know you do too. So sister, here are three things you’ll see when you look up.

Are You Stealing From Yourself?

I think I lived as a thief for many years. Not because I stole an occasional candy bar from the grocery store or lifted jewelry from my friends home when she wasn’t looking! No, I stole from myself. Every time I aided and abetted anxiety I robbed myself of peace, security and contentment.

Do you steal from yourself?

Stop Starting New Habits This Year

I heard recently, “Many people look forward to the new year for a new start on old habits.” Uh, that’s me — guilty! When the calendar turned from 2016 to 2017, many of us me included— turned our focus to what we want to “start” doing or what new habits we want to “begin.”

I made a list of resolutions. I narrowed it down to the doable. I chose the one biggie and I tried really hard and… well… my old habits have tagged along into this new year, uninvited, unwelcome, but here they are!  I think that is because most of the time, we need to let go of old habits  so the new habits can have a place to grow.