Can I Give Up on Perfect? With Scarlet Hiltibidal [Episode 212]

Give Up Perfect Scarlet Hiltibidal

GIVEAWAY ALERT: You can win the book You’re the Worst Person in the World by this week’s podcast guest. Keep reading to find out how!

Do you feel like you have to be the best at everything? The best mom. The best wife. The best sandwich maker. Or even the best Christian.

Today’s guest, author Scarlet Hiltibidal, knows exactly what it’s like to constantly strive for perfection. For Scarlet, trying to be the best at pretty much everything was her life story.

But in the midst of all her striving, she continued to fall short, failing to experience the joy and freedom that’s supposed to come with the gospel’s good news. She wouldn’t accept her brokenness … that is until she realized something revolutionary:

You Are Not the Only One

I sat on the front row in the church and listened to another speaker — my friend – and thought, Why can’t I get it together like she has it together? My best effort is like pond scum compared to her worst effort!


I had just presented a message before she did and I would present another message when she was finished. And, I didn’t want to stand on that stage and speak again; I wanted to shrink into the seat cushion because I felt totally incompetent and unnecessary at that moment. And then I felt shame for feeling that way at that moment!

But, here’s the thing. It wasn’t just at that moment I felt that way.  That moment describes lots of moments for me!

You Messed Up Today? Good!

You messed up today? Good! Me too! Too often those slips up and “wish-I-didn’t-do-that” moments can send us down a spiral of thinking that makes us wonder if we’re enough. Am I cute enough? Am I thin enough? Am I successful enough? It’s all in a quest to know if I’m… enough.


Those questions are way too familiar to me. How about you? I have too much pride to ask them out loud, but believe me… I ask them silently to myself all the time.

Why is that?

How Do You Measure Up?

Spill The Beans


I think women struggle with perfectionism and feelings of never measuring up.  What do our attempts to achieve perfection say about ourselves and our relationship with God?  What do our attempts say about who we believe God to be?
Dori, TN

Jennifer’s Answer