4 Problems Worse Than Blindness

I get asked all the time what the hardest thing about being blind is. People naturally assume it’s not being able to drive or read or… well, there are a million things that are really hard about being blind. Bruises. Isolation. Dependence. Those are some things about blindness that are really, really hard. But, then there’s having to constantly manage my frustration with being slow at tasks or even flat-out unable to do something without help.

Yep, it totally stinks.

Being Wrong Has Never Tasted So Right

A few days ago, I was sitting across from Kim, the most amazing nail tech, who has done my nails for the past ten years. And, she gasps, “What is that on your arm? I’ve never seen it before. You need to get that looked at!”

I had no idea what she was talking about so I asked her.


“A mole,” she said, “it’s just come up in the last two weeks because I know I have never seen it before.”

She, then, took my free hand and dragged my finger across the top of the tiny bumpy mass.